[okfn-discuss] Freedom Defined

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Feb 27 14:45:36 UTC 2008

Thanks for your replies Mike, Erik and Ben!

I was also wondering whether there is scope for more of close working 
relationship between The Definition of Free Cultural Works and the Open 
Knowledge Definition:


I understand that functionally they do much the same thing (e.g. pick 
out same set of CC licenses as free/open) - albeit with slightly 
different names, aims, scope and focus. It feels as though they have 
become somewhat estranged!

Anyhow - I'll look out for developments on Mako's blog, and please feel 
free to post any news here!

Best wishes,


Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> Hi Jonathan. The best way to stay up to date is to follow our
> activities on our wiki at freedomdefined.org. That said, I realize,
> that I'm thinking about it, that this doesn't really lend it self too
> well to more "push" style RSS or email based communication.
> If you want that right away, I would suggest keeping an eye on my own
> blog at http://mako.cc/copyrighteous (maybe
> http://mako.cc/copyrighteous/tags/ip?flav=atom for a more focused
> subfeed). I'll try to create some News/RSS solution on the
> freedomdefined wiki itself but it will likely take me a week or two to
> get around to it.
> Regards,
> Mako

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