[okfn-discuss] Barcamp UK Gov Web (and getting the word out about OKCon)

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu Jan 24 14:48:21 UTC 2008

Sorry - I should have posted this to the list when I signed up before 

If there's anything that anyone here would like me to ask, discuss, or 
raise - let me know!


Rufus Pollock wrote:
> Somehow I must not have noticed but this Saturday there's a UK Gov Web 
> barcamp:
>   <http://barcamp.org/BarcampUKGovweb>
> Looks interesting and it appears that Jonathan at least was aware of 
> its existence as he has already signed up to go! Look forward to 
> getting feedback and I think the thing to really emphasize here is:
>   * Opennes, Openness, Openness (i.e. make it available and make sure 
> the license is open)
>   * Keep it simple (or "give us the data raw, and give it to us now"[1])
> ~rufus
> [1]:<http://blog.okfn.org/2007/11/07/give-us-the-data-raw-and-give-it-to-us-now/> 
> PS: my unawareness of this event just goes to show how important it is 
> to get the word out about OKCon. So if you're on a list or know 
> someone who'd be interested make sure you mail them. The standard 
> announce email was in the original email to this list or can be found 
> online at the link below (from which you can just copy and paste):
>   <http://okfn.org/wiki/okcon2008/material>

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