[okfn-discuss] Making The OKF Blog Better: Featured Projects, Guest Posts, ...?

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu Aug 20 14:15:33 UTC 2009

I have recently been thinking about several things we could do to make
the OKF blog better. A few ideas are:

## 1. Featured open knowledge projects
    * In depth posts on open knowledge projects such as MusicBrainz,
Librivox, the OMDB, ...
    * History and background of the projects - how they were started,
by who, what was the need, how projects have grown, ...
    * Hopes and long term vision for the projects
    * How people can get involved, simple things people can do to
contribute, ...
    * Perhaps above could be captured by a series of starter questions
    * Would be nice to give people opportunity to tell (the hidden)
story behind these projects
    * (Started a page about this on the wiki at:
http://wiki.okfn.org/FeaturedProjects )

## 2. More guest posts
    * More posts from the community! From re-users, creators, lawyers,
academics, scientists, civic hackers, media (e.g. Free Our Data people
at Guardian), government, business, NGOs...
    * Need to think of posts that would be interesting, suggestions
for specific topics, commentaries, etc.
    * Especially would like to see brief, compelling, and well-written
material about the values and benefits of open knowledge. Ranging from
first hand accounts of why people made their material open to
arguments and evidence from academics, policy-makers and advocates.

## 3. More mini-items
    * Open knowledge project updates, nice images, visualisations,
bits of analysis using open datasets, anecdotes...

Any thoughts?

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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