[okfn-discuss] French translation

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Feb 23 16:29:37 UTC 2009

2009/2/21 Jérôme Beau <javarome at gmail.com>:
> I posted a first version at http://rr0.org/okd/annotated
> (there is no link to the page wherever except in this message to the list. I
> just posted it as a web page for formating convenience).

This looks great Jérôme. Once we've got this finalized we can upload
the translation to the relevant page on the
http://www.opendefinition.org/ with a link back to you.

> It seems to be that some errors remains in the original OKD licence, due to
> elements taken from the Open Software Definition (OSD) : in the sentence of
> item 9, it says that "The rights attached to the work must apply to all to
> whom the *program* is redistributed". I guess the program should be replaced
> by the *work*, no? Same in "closing up *software* by indirect means such as
> requiring a non-disclosure agreement." where software should be replaced by
> work.

Hmm, these are typos in the annotated version. I think these have been
corrected in the main, authoritative version at:


We have also merged the 'comments' into the main version (so the
annotated version can be deprecated at some point to avoid these kind
of issues).

Would you mind taking a quick look at the authoritative version and
checking your synced with that?


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