[okfn-discuss] Eurostat licensing?

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jun 4 15:43:57 UTC 2009

2009/6/3 Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org>:
> Hi all,
> Andreas Harth currently has an RDF version of Eurostat at:
>  http://ontologycentral.com/2009/01/eurostat/
> He does not host the whole thing, but states: "Unfortunately we cannot
> provide access to the full dataset due to limited storage and
> bandwidth resources. If you are interested in the full dataset and
> able to sponsor our effort please contact us."
> I understand Talis would consider hosting the data if it was fully
> open. There is mention of some commercial restrictions at:
>  http://ckan.net/package/read/eurostat

Strictly their requirement to have a (free) license for commercial
redistribution makes them non-open but it seems from the below that
this has now changed.


> There is also: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/about_eurostat/corporate/copyright_licence_policy
> Which re-iterates that material may be used for any purpose
> (commercial or noncommercial) as long as source is attributed - unless
> otherwise stated.
> Hence I understand that the bulk of Eurostat data is OKD compliant,
> effectively under an attribution license?

Yes, that seems to be the case. It would be great if Talis were able
to host this data -- it seems a really useful resource and a good
example of repurposing/value-adding thanks to the material being open.


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