[okfn-discuss] Live Webcast - Personal Democracy Forum 2014 - Save the Internet, The Internet Saves

heath rezabek heath.rezabek at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 23:21:30 UTC 2014

Stef -

I think what Steven's trying to say, is that those who would seek to bring
about a change in the way things are... must be at least fluent in
communicating via the way things are, regardless of other more ideal forms
of communication they use. Otherwise, they'll never reach those who are
just communicating via the way things are, unaware that things could ever
be (or ever have been) any different.

Perhaps OKF needs to launch a no-traces saved, animated-gif based messaging
app.   ^_-

- Heath

On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 5:20 PM, stef <s at ctrlc.hu> wrote:

> howdy,
> On Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 01:00:08PM -0500, Steven Clift wrote:
> > Yes, very independent. Is Facebook more evil than Twitter in your view??
> i must admit i failed at the twitter thing. and i feel extremely
> uncomfortable.
> > But here is my take - after 20 years of promoting and using open
> > source to feed my Democracies Online Newswire - http://dowire.org -
> > http://e-democracy.org/groupserver - IF we want to connect to the next
> > generation of emerging wired elected officials we must reach them
> > where they are online.
> >
> > In MN we have 30 something new elected officials essentially
> > "friending" their way to office.
> i think this is very bad. as facebook is not a neutral player, for example
> max
> schrems book about facebooks privacy violations was blocked by facebook:
> https://twitter.com/maxschrems/status/474145647147646976
> the filterbubble, not a good thing either for democracy.
> being vendor locked-in into a dominant market player that is directly under
> the influence of a state level actor cannot be considered something
> positive.
> s
> --
> otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt
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Heath Rezabek  //  labs.vessel.cc
Icarus Interstellar  /  FarMaker Design Corps  //  icarusinterstellar.org
Open Knowledge Foundation  /  Texas Ambassador for the OKFn  //  okfn.org
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