[okfn-discuss] Open Knowledge tagline

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu May 8 11:45:39 UTC 2014

On 8 May 2014 12:08, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:

> *Hi everyone, It’s been great to see the discussion about taglines here on
> list and in the recent calls. There’s not been a clear consensus on a good
> alternative tagline yet, so we’re going to be using the following for now:
> Open Knowledge: see how data can change the world*

As Laura emphasizes we are eager to improve the current tagline in line
with all the feedback - but its clear that ideas and suggestions are still
coming in.

Please do add stuff to the wiki and then the next step will be to refine a
short list out of these :-)


> * We’d like to continue seeking a better alternative though! There’s some
> notes on what a tagline needs to do, and a list of alternative ideas, plus
> suggestions for how groups could customise some taglines for their own
> activity on the wiki:
> http://wiki.okfn.org/About_the_Open_Knowledge_brand/tagline_discussion
> <http://wiki.okfn.org/About_the_Open_Knowledge_brand/tagline_discussion>
> Please do add your ideas and thoughts there, as well as discussing on list.
> It would be great to see some further exploration of the options there, and
> to gather other new ideas for the tagline too. In a few weeks, when
> everyone’s had a bit more time to reflect, we’ll come back to the list on
> the wiki and work out a shortlist. Things to think about: - Is this a good
> description of what we do and what we want to achieve? - Is this compelling
> and catchy? - would it be clear and catchy on a poster or sticker? - would
> you wear it on a T shirt? - Is this understandable and compelling to
> someone who does not know about “open”? - Is this short enough? Thanks for
> all the ideas so far, Laura*
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*Rufus PollockFounder and President | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
<https://twitter.com/rufuspollock>Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/> - see
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