[okfn-discuss] torrents for sharing datasets

Jan Gondol gondol at gondol.sk
Wed Apr 15 18:13:32 UTC 2015

Since this is a CKAN extension, I think that anyone is free to install and
use it. Any CKAN devs around here who would care to comment how to make our
newly developed / improved CKAN extensions as useful as possible and
available to others?

By the way, we did have _another_ requirement in Module Open Data of
eDemocracy project (which includes data.gov.sk redesign): to make all
modifications and improvements to open source components (such as CKAN)
publicly available for upstream porting. The idea was this: since the
project is being developed using public money, let us create public value.

I hope that many publicly funded projects will result in releasing source
code under an open license and also serve to improve / build upon the
existing software. We'll see how our own experiment works out and whether
our contributions will be useful.

If you have suggestions on open source policy development and
implementation, I'd be happy to talk!

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 5:11 PM, stef <s at ctrlc.hu> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 01:23:30PM +0200, Jan Gondol wrote:
> > Stef, it seems that the company working on the data.gov.sk redesign
> > (Microcomp) has already released some code (CKAN extension for torrent
> > publishing): https://github.com/microcomp/ckanext-torrent -- I haven't
> > tested it though, feel free to play.
> sounds great! will this be committed upstream? i like the idea of ckan
> doing
> torrents. myself, i have only a dozen or so datasets, makes little sense to
> setup a ckan for only those, there's existing ones. the eu opendata portal,
> for example would be a nice place to list our datasets i guess. would that
> be
> possible?
> --
> otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt
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