[Okfn-dk] Fwd: Independent Progress Report OGP for Denmark launched
Christian Villum
villum at autofunk.dk
Wed Feb 12 08:40:08 UTC 2014
Til info. Er der nogen der har lyst til at være med til at følge op på det?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paul maassen <maassenpaul at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:37 AM
Subject: Independent Progress Report OGP for Denmark launched
To: Christian Villum <christian.villum at okfn.org>, nadja at borgerlyst.dk,
andreas at borgerlyst.dk, kgotfredsen at transparency.dk,
mbb at journalistforbundet.dk, nils.mulvad at kaasogmulvad.dk
Dear colleagues,
Most of you I have not met, but your organizations got recommended by Mads
Kæmsgaard Eberholst. As you know, Denmark is one of the 63 members of the
Open Government Partnership. Your countries achievements in the first round
have been assessed by Mads and his report is now online
and open for comments<http://www.opengovpartnership.org/country/denmark/comment-report/irm-comments-denmark-report>the
next couple of weeks.
The results look pretty good compared to other countries. A substantial
part of the commitments are actually met. Downside is the small ownership
with government entities and the relative narrow set of issues addressed in
the plan. Also the actual partnership of government and civil society could
still be strengthened quite a bit. Mads gives good recommendations at the
end of his report.
If interested, there is quite a bit of information on how other
done it, lessons
learned <http://www.ogphub.org/media/ImprovingtheOGPExperience.pdf> from
the first round,
how to do consultation better. And there is a mailing
list <http://www.ogphub.org/profile/> for the international civil society
community around OGP.
In any case, if you want to discuss how you can use the report and/or
improve the new round of commitments, feel free to contact me. Happy to
have a call with some of you!
*PAUL MAASSEN | Civil Society Coordinator *
*supporting independent engagement with the Open Government Partnership*
e-mail: maassenpaul at gmail.com | skype: maassenpaul | phone: ++31 646 16 78
56 | twitter: @maassenpaul | *www.ogphub.org <http://www.ogphub.org>* |
Hosted by Hivos, PO Box 85565, 2508 CG The Hague, The Netherlands
*Sign up <http://www.ogphub.org/profile/> to the new OGP civil society
mailing list. As a member, simply **e-mail all your OGP colleagues across
the world by using: **OGP at Dgroups.org*
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