[Okfn-dk] Fwd: [ogp] The EU and OGP - sign-on statement deadline 16 June

Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen niels at buhlrasmussen.eu
Wed Jun 11 07:54:02 UTC 2014

Eventuelle bekymringer kunne være, at EU er for stor og tung en spiller 
ift at opretholde balancen ml. civilsamfund og officielle institutioner 
i OGP og at EU-institutionerne (ligesom DK iøvrigt) vil være lidt for 
dygtige til at anvende OGP som fjer i hatten uden reelt at foretage sig 
noget, de ellers ikke ville have gjort. Hvordan sikrer vi at 
OGP-partnerskabet medfører reele, konkrete forbedringer? Men det er 
selvfølgelig alt sammen noget, vi kan arbejde hen imod, når EU først har 
tilsluttet sig. Alt i alt synes jeg det ser rimeligt ud og at vi skal 
støtte op.

Vi bør iøvrigt have opdateret vores logo, så det passer til Open 
Knowledge's nye.

Mvh, Niels Erik
(+45) 2680 9492

On 2014-06-11 00:24, Christian Villum wrote:
> Hej alle,
> Paul Maassen fra Open Government Partnership (OGP) spørger, om Open
> Knowledge Danmark har lyst til at være medunderskriver på et
> dokument der opfordrer EU til officielt at støtte OGP-initiativet.
> Nogen indvendinger imod dette? Eller kommenterer ellers?
> -Christian
> -- 
> Christian Villum
> International Community Manager
> skype: christianvillum  |  @villum [1]
> Open Knowledge [2] - See how data can change the world
>  http://okfn.org/ [2] | @okfn [3]   Facebook [4] | Blog [5]
> _Have you bought your ticket [6] for OKFestival yet? Join us in Berlin
> July 15-17 2014!_
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: PAUL MAASSEN <maassenpaul at gmail.com>
>  Date: Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:33 PM
> Subject: Fwd: [ogp] The EU and OGP - sign-on statement deadline 16
> June
> To: Christian Villum <christian.villum at okfn.org>
> Dear Christian,
> Did you see this e-mail? Would this be something you could consider
> signing and/or can forward to other Danish organizations?
> I personally think that the idea of asking the new EU leadership to
> step up on transparency and accountability and use OGP as a platform
> to do that seems both smart and timely. What such a partnership would
> look like needs more thinking, and I am sure convincing key actors
> both in the EU and OGP would ask for smart campaigning. The idea
> though seems logical and appealing.
> Neil Cambell organized a good panel debate on this in Dublin and most
> speakers agreed that it was worth exploring. The EU ombudsman very
> much hailed OGP as “most promising 21st Century global development
> towards making a living reality of open government and good
> government.” Talking about a challenge to live up to.
> What the EU and OGP coming together would look like I don’t now.
> Membership? EU as a partner supporting implementation in EU countries?
> OGP as part of the EU development and neighborhood agenda? Who knows,
> all to be explored by the EU and OGP. And by civil society if it comes
> to campaigning for it. Denis Parfenov from Ireland made a start last
> year by approaching Irish MEPs via mail and Twitter to raise the issue
> in Brussels.
> Change always starts with a first step somebody has to make. When we
> talk about the EU and OGP the civil society statement seems to be a
> good first step!
> Kind regards
> Paul
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> <neil.campbell at opensocietyfoundations.org>
>  Date: 3 June 2014 10:12
> Subject: [ogp] The EU and OGP - sign-on statement deadline 16 June
> To: OGP Civil Society group <ogp at dgroups.org>
>  Dear all,
>  I managed to have a conversation with some of you that were present
> in Dublin at the Europe regional meeting, and we all heard the
> European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly, among others, call for EU
> engagement with OGP. I hope we can now move this forward.  I would
> like to circulate the attached sign-on statement calling for the new
> EU leadership to commit to EU engagement with and eventual
> participation in OGP.
>  The European elections were a stark reminder of the distance between
> the EU institutions and the citizens they represent. The question of
> whether the EU institutions are actually able to improve the lives of
> EU citizens through promoting and practicing inclusive and transparent
> governance was lost in much of the debate. The OGP provides a template
> for a radical re-think of how the EU institutions communicate among
> themselves on these issues and how they could bring themselves closer
> to citizens. As the new set of leaders takes shape in Brussels over
> the next few months, we would like to ensure that they have a
> practical option for addressing the question of citizen participation
> in, and the transparency and accountability of EU governance. The OGP
> may not be the full answer, but at the very least the process,
> objectives and methodology of what is now a truly global initiative
> will offer practical solutions.
>  I would like to collect responses from CSOs based in European
> countries (in this instance, EU members states and states in the
> neighbourhood or enlargement process). Please send your organisation's
> name and logo by 16 June. I will then compile the document and
> redistribute for your use in advocacy towards the new EU leadership.
> I'm very aware that a simple statement is a reductive way to approach
> such a complicated issue and there are many detailed arguments that
> will follow - this is merely an initial call to raise the issue on the
> policy agenda and to gauge how much support exits.
>  There are also many additional steps that are required to make this
> happen, these include a strategy of engagement with the OGP support
> unit and steering committee, EU/OGP members states, institutions in
> Brussels etc, but the first step is civil society. It won't happen
> unless civil society asks for it. PLEASE SIGN ON!
>  I would also like to thank GONG, Access Info Europe and TI-EU for
> their engagement in this initiative and their initial agreement to
> sign the statement. NB that Access Info have managed to secure
> commitments from 165 out of 751 members of the new European Parliament
> to transparency and lobby control; while the TI-EU report on the
> integrity of EU institutions is a primer to this whole issue. Other
> orgs in Brussels are also doing great work to open up the institutions
> - hopefully this initiative will add to their efforts.
>  Please get in touch with any questions or comments on the statement
> and process.
>  All best,
>  Neil
>  Neil Campbell
>  Head of EU Policy Development
>  Open Society European Policy Institute
>  Tel.: +32-(0)2-505 46 42 [7] * Mobile: +32-(0)491-366-667 [8]
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: neil.campbell at opensocietyfoundations.org
> [mailto:neil.campbell at opensocietyfoundations.org]
>  Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 3:18 PM
>  To: OGP Civil Society group
>  Subject: [ogp] OGP regional meeting. Panel on EU-OGP: Thurs
> 14:30-16:30
>  Dear all,
>  Looking forward to seeing some of you at the regional meeting in
> Dublin later this week. The Open Society European Policy
> Institute<http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/offices-foundations/open-society-european-policy-institute
> [9]> has organised a panel to be held on Thursday 8th May from 14:30 -
> 16:30: "The EU's role in promoting transparency & accountability, and
> engagement with the OGP".
>  The EU has hovered on the margins of OGP. The aim of this discussion
> is to bring together some of the complementary efforts of the EU
> towards open government, and critical observations on how the EU
> institutions might also improve their own transparency and
> accountability to European citizens. The discussion will lead towards
> an assessment of whether there is potential for the EU institutions to
> develop a closer relationship with the OGP, and steps that could be
> taken to make that happen.
>  Our panelists will be:
>  *        Emily O'Reilly, European Ombudsman
>  *        Dr Mechthild Rohen, Head of Public Services unit, DG
> Connect, European Commission
>  *        Carl Dolan, Director, Transparency International's EU
> office
>  *        Helen Darbishire, Executive Director, Access Info Europe
>  *        Saša Šegrt, Project Development Coordinator, GONG
>  For those of you also joining the Civil Society
> day<http://www.opengovpartnership.org/get-involved/europe-regional-meeting/cso-day
> [10]> on Wednesday, myself and my colleague Anca Cioriciu will lead a
> discussion on this issue from 17:00 to 17:30.
>  The gist of it: On the surface, the EU and OGP are remarkably
> complementary: the EU institutions play an important role in
> supporting open governance in and beyond Europe; the accession process
> for membership includes important conditions for transparent and
> accountable governing institutions; and the EU's own treaties require
> that the institutions develop policy and laws in as open a manner as
> possible. Why is the EU not a cheerleader for OGP? And what might EU
> membership of OGP look like in practice? This is a timely discussion
> as the EU moves towards leadership changes and parliamentary elections
> amid calls for enhanced accountability of EU institutions to European
> citizens. OGP was not initiated for regional bodies but as its
> relations with multilateral institutions show, neither is it closed to
> new forms of engagement and participation. European civil society
> could play the essential role of pushing EU leaders, institutions and
> officials towards a better understanding and implementation of open
> government.
>  Best,
>  Neil
>  Neil Campbell
>  Head of EU Policy Development
>  Open Society European Policy
> Institute<http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/offices-foundations/open-society-european-policy-institute
> [9]>
>  Rue d'Idalie 9-13 * B-1050 Brussels * Belgium
>  Tel.: +32-(0)2-505 46 42 [7] * Mobile: +32-(0)491-366-667 [8]
> neil.campbell at opensocietyfoundations.org<mailto:neil.campbell at opensocietyfoundations.org>
> webpage<http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/offices-foundations/open-society-european-policy-institute
> [9]>
>  [Description: cid:image001.jpg at 01CDAC60.6D5A6150]
>  Active in more than 70 countries, the Open Society Foundations work
> to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are
> accountable to their citizens. Working with local communities, the
> Open Society Foundations support justice and human rights, freedom of
> expression and access to public health and education.
>  For more information see: www.opensocietyfoundations.org
> [11]<http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org [11]>
>  __________
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>  A reply to this message will be sent to all members of OGP Civil
> Society group.
>  To reply to sender, send a message to
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>  To unsubscribe, send an email to leave.ogp at dgroups.org
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>  To reply to all members of OGP Civil Society group, send a message to
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>  To unsubscribe, send an email to leave.ogp at dgroups.org
> --
> _supporting independent engagement with the Open Government
> Partnership_
> e-mail: maassenpaul at gmail.com | skype: maassenpaul | _ _phone: ++31
> 646 16 78 56 [14] | twitter: @maassenpaul | _www.ogphub.org [15]_ |
> Hosted by Hivos, PO Box 85565, 2508 CG The Hague, The Netherlands
> _---------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------_
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> _---------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------_
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> ------
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> http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/offices-foundations/open-society-european-policy-institute
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