[OKFN-EN] Next @OxOpenSci event: HackYourPhD, Wed 22 May, 19:00-20:30

Jenny Molloy jenny.molloy at okfn.org
Sat May 18 08:36:11 UTC 2013

If you're around Oxford or London, do consider coming along to this!

Come and hear Vincent Adam introduce the HackYourPhD community. Founded in
France, this collective advocates science and access to knowledge as a
common good. Find out more about their aims and actvities and discuss your
views on new ways to do research during your PhD and beyond.

>From Vincent:

"HackYourPhD aims to bring together a diverse community around the topic of
open science and more broadly around the ideal of producing and sharing
knowledge. Although the initiative comes from actors of academia, it does
not only target people in academia but also artists, entrepreneurs etc with
the aim to foster new collaborations. Main activities are a collaborative
curation of initiatives in open science, the organization or support of
events to communicate or discuss about science or the practice of science

Have a look at our manifesto: http://hackyourphd.org/about-2/"

More details on @oxopensci and venue information:
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