[okfn-help] Fwd: Beta - Server Access (initial and ongoing)

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Mon Sep 21 12:50:17 BST 2009

Hi Colin,

I've forwarded this to our okfn-help list. I believe we can provide
someone with access to a machine. Rufus: how easy would this be?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: colintate <colintate at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Beta - Server Access (initial and ongoing)
To: One Click Orgs / Governance <oneclickorgs-gov at googlegroups.com>

Hi Jonathan, Charles,

Putting this into Governance as we thought server talk/access info  in
the dev group might not be appropriate (as its open to all).

We've been discussing the Beta setup for OCO, and we need to get a bit
of information so we can progress properly.  Jonathan:

 -  Can you provide us with server access?
 - Can we get root access or support in this area?  (will need this
access level initially.  If that isn't possible, can someone help us
when we need them?)
 - Is this a shared server or a dedicated server?  (will affect how we
set up OCO on it)

To highlight the initial/overall server access requirement, we will
need the ability to access the server to perform three types of tasks:

 - to set up the environment  (one-off)
 - to set up new instances  (repeat)
 - to perform maintenance updates.  (repeat)

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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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