[okfn-help] [Fwd: Fwd: Re: Guide to Open Data Licensing - new OAK Law Report on Data]
Rufus Pollock
rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jul 12 14:16:27 UTC 2007
OAK Law have been kind enough to send us information for the Open Data
Licensing Guide. See below.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Re: Guide to Open Data Licensing - new OAK Law Report on Data
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 14:45:29 +1000 (EST)
From: <obfuscated>
Dear Rufus,
We attach our summary of Australian copyright law in relation to
databases for inclusion into the Guide to Open Data Licensing in the
Open Knowledge Foundation Wiki. Please contact us if your have any
queries regaridng the summary. We would like to be listed as a
contributor under the Credits heading as "Various authors from the Oak
law project" with a hyperlink to the Oak law
Please let us know when our summary has been included in the Guide.
Yours Faithfully,
Anthony Austin
## Attachement: converted by antiword
Open Knowledge Foundation Wiki - Australia Summary
Copyright in Data under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)
Under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)[1] ideas and information
may be protected when they are expressed in a "material form", such as
written down, entered into a computer or stored in some other machine-
readable form. What is protected is not the idea or information in
itself, but rather the expression of that idea or information, that is,
the form in which the idea or information is expressed. This means
that raw data, basic facts or items of information will not, in
themselves, attract copyright protection. However, where data,
information or facts have been compiled to create a new work, eg a
dataset or database, that work may be protected by copyright as a
compilation if it meets the originality threshold under Australian
copyright law.
Compilations are protected in the literary works category, which is
defined in s10(1) of the Copyright Act as including "a table, or a
compilation, expressed in words, figures or symbols". Data, metadata
or a compilation of numerous items of data or metadata records may be
protected by copyright if the compilation meets the originality
threshold required for copyright. Any underlying database software may
also be protected by copyright as a literary work. The definition of
"literary work" in s 10(1) of the Copyright Act includes "a computer
program or a compilation of computer programs".
Compilations - Desktop v. Telstra
In Desktop Marketing Systems Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd
(2002),[2] the leading Australian case in this area, the Full Federal
Court considered whether Telstra had copyright in its Yellow Pages and
White Pages directories containing names, addresses and phone numbers
of telephone subscribers in a given region, listed in alphabetical
order. Telstra had undertaken substantial labour and incurred
substantial expense in compiling and listing the subscriber entries in
its White and Yellow Pages directories.
The court held that copyright can be claimed in a compilation which -
. has been produced as a result of the exercise of skill, judgment
or knowledge in the selection, presentation or arrangement of the
materials; or
. has required the investment of a substantial amount of labour or
expense to generate or collect the material included in it (the
so-called "sweat of the brow" approach).[3]
The court held that Telstra had met the originality threshold,
notwithstanding that there may have been minimal intellectual input or
creativity in the selection and arrangement of the material in the
telephone directories.
The decision in Desktop Marketing Systems Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation
Ltd makes it clear that, in Australia, a compilation of data, eg a
database, may be protected by copyright provided that either a
sufficient amount of labour or expense has gone into collecting the
data or a sufficient degree of skill, judgment or knowledge has been
applied in selecting and organising the data.
The test described by the Full Federal Court in Desktop Marketing
Systems Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd sets a lower threshold for
originality than that required in the United States. In Australia, the
originality test does not require any degree of creativity to be
applied in creating the work, with the result that a purely factual
compilation is more likely to qualify for copyright protection in
Australia than in the United States.
Assigning and licensing copyright in datasets and databases - further
Owners of copyright in datasets and databases may fully or partially
assign their copyright or license another party to use it. To be
legally effective, assignments must be (1) in writing, and (2) signed
by or on behalf of the assignor. Licences need not be in writing
unless the licence being granted is an exclusive one. Copyright
datasets and databases can be licensed under a creative commons or
other similar open content copyright licence.
For further information on Australian copyright law applicable to
databases, the licensing of data and issues of open access to data see:
. The Oak Law Project Report No. 1: Creating a Legal Framework for
Copyright Management of Open Access within the Australian Academic
and Research Sector, August 2006, Elect Printing, Canberra at
. The Oak Law Project and the Legal framework for e-Research Project
Report: Building the Infrastructure for Data Access and Reuse in
Collaborative Research: An Analysis of the Legal Context, June
Elect Printing, Canberra
. The Queensland Spatial Information Council's Report: Government
Information and Open Content Licensing: An Access and Use
Strategy, October 2006,
. Chapter 4 - Copyright, in "Intellectual Property: in Principle",
Anne Fitzgerald and Brian Fitzgerald, Thomson, Sydney, 2004; and
. Chapter 4 - Copyright, in "Internet and e-commerce law:
technology, law and policy" Brian, Fitzgerald, Anne Fitzgerald et
al, Thomson, Sydney, 2007.
[1] See the Copyright Act 1968 on the ComLaw.web site:
[2] Desktop Marketing Systems Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation Ltd [2002]
FCAFC 112, Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia, Chief Justice
Black and Justices Lindgren and Sackville, at
<http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCAFC/2002/112.html>. The Full
Federal Court affirmed the first instance decision in Telstra
Corporation Ltd v Desktop Marketing Systems [2001] FCA 612, Justice
Finkelstein, at
See further Brian Fitzgerald and Cheranne Bartlett, 'Database
Protection under Australian Copyright Law: Desktop Marketing Systems
Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation [2002] FCAFC 112' (2003) 7 Southern Cross
University Law Review 308
[3] Desktop Marketing Systems Pty Ltd v Telstra Corporation [2002]
FCAFC 112, [409].
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