[okfn-it] [ogdcamp] Call for lightening talks & participation in the Government Linked Data Workshop in Warsaw - Oct 20th, 2011
Michele Barbera
barbera a netseven.it
Lun 10 Ott 2011 15:40:22 UTC
Parlando a voce con Napo, dicevamo che forse potremmo cercare di
raccogliere due categorie di esperienze: pubblicazione e consumo di
dati. Per il resto mi pare che lo schema sia adeguato. Magari apriamo
anche ai progetti "work in progress", poi vediamo quante esperienze
raccogliamo e diamo comunque la prioritā ai "concrete stuff that
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Federico Morando
<federico.morando a polito.it> wrote:
> Bene Signori, io invierei una proposta, secondo lo schema qui sotto. Input
> graditissimi:
> Title *
> Opening-up data in Italy: some concrete stuff that worked
> Abstract * not exceeding 250 words
> The presentation will quickly introduce the audience to a set of already
> implemented, tangible examples (with related URIs) showing the (realized)
> potential of open government data.
> Form of Presentation *
> plain speech
> slideshow (PPT, Prezi, HTML)
> online
> Video
> Name & Biography of the proposer
> - Michele Barbera
> - Federico Morando
> Organisation *
> - OKFN-IT (salvo obiezioni)
> (altre affiliazioni menzionate nelle bio sopra)
> Website, Blog or Social Network *
> - http://it.okfn.org/
> Country *
> - Italy
> Grazie e ciao,
> Federico
> PS (considerate che questo č il formato:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFZSOW5ZbUJQWm1oS084bFNzQ2Rrd3c6MQ#gid=0)
> * Required
> Title *
> Abstract * not exceeding 250 words
> Form of Presentation *
> plain speech
> slideshow (PPT, Prezi, HTML)
> online
> Video
> Name *
> Biography of the proposer not exceeding 250 words.
> Organisation *
> Website, Blog or Social Network *
> Country *
> Submission Deadline
> * The deadline for submission of proposals is Friday, October 14, 2011. *
> Proposers will be notified no later than Monday, October 17, 2011.
> Target Audience
> * Government representatives * Policymakers * Lawyers * Technologists *
> Academics and research scientists * Advocates, citizens and journalists
> What Are Lightning Talks?
> Lightning Talks are brief, 6 minute presentations that focus on a single
> topic, example, idea, project, or technique. Lightning Talks attempt to
> cover 1-2 facets of a subject and by no means comprehensive or exhaustive.
> Your idea should be clear and succinct, providing URLs for further
> information, as appropriate. We are seeking Lightening Talks that push the
> boundaries of “common sense” and interrogate ideas and preconceptions
> through the effective use of text, sounds, and images. Preference will be
> given for Lightening Talks that describe a specific case study as opposed to
> research or general best practices. Those who are accepted will be asked to
> send prior to the conference slides or materials to display to highlight and
> underscore the points in your presentation. In a Lightning Talk, the
> presenter makes a point and explains it as quickly as possible, addressing
> such questions as * Why does this matter? * What are the benefits of
> examining the topic? * Call to Action: Here is what we have done ... * Here
> is what we should be doing more of ... * Why we failed or succeeded using
> this approach? * Here's a useful method/pedagogy that "worked" or did not
> work ... * Why X looks like a mistake, but isn't * What it's like to do ...
> * A funny thing happened to me on the way to... * We need research in ...
> Speakers should be prepared for a quick Q&A session. Please include your
> contact details at the conference so interested parties can follow up with
> you in person or after the conference! For further information on giving
> Lightning Talks access:
> http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2004/07/30/lightningtalk.html
> On 10/10/2011 03:37 PM, Martin Kaltenböck wrote:
> Hi all!
> (and apologies for cross-posting)
> This is a reminder for the Call for Lightening Talks (Best Practise & Use
> Cases in Government Linked Data)
> at the Open Government Data Camp 2011 (http://www.ogdcamp.org) in Warsaw
> Poland. Lightening Talks submission
> - Due Wednesday 12-Oct-2011 20:00 CET, see http://bit.ly/CfL-GLD-workshop
> If you are working on a concrete Government Link Data project (e.g. an open
> data project that makes use of linked open data)
> and would like to present this to an interested audience please submit a
> short abstract for a lightning talk and join
> the GLD workshop on the 20th of October 2011 in the afternoon!
> Please join us on 20-October-2011 from 14:00-17.30 CET at the Government
> Linked Data Workshop in Warsaw Poland.
> The panelists (from LOD2 project, W3C and EC) will discuss concrete examples
> of how Linked Open Data is changing
> our interactions with local, state and national governments. Hear more about
> what government representatives,
> policy makers, lawyers, developers, academics and research scientists need
> and are actively doing today.
> The workshop and panel discussion are organised by the LOD2 project and the
> W3C Government Linked Data working group.
> For further information on the workshop and panel discussion, please read:
> LOD2 blog post on Government Linked Data Workshop, see
> http://lod2.eu/BlogPost/
> W3C Semantic Web Activity News, see http://www.w3.org/blog/SW/
> Looking forward to receive your lightning talk abstract soon & to seeing you
> in Warsaw - all the best!
> Martin
> --
> Martin Kaltenböck, CMC
> Managing Partner, CFO
> Semantic Web Company (SWC)
> Mariahilferstrasse 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
> A - 1070 Vienna, Austria
> Tel +43.1.402 12 35 - 25, Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22
> http://www.semantic-web.at
> http://blog.semantic-web.at
> http://poolparty.biz
> LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - http://lod2.eu/
> mailto:m.kaltenboeck a semantic-web.at
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