[okfn-it] Open Data Handbook - Italian translation

Maurizio Napolitano napo a fbk.eu
Mar 3 Apr 2012 09:44:29 UTC

Il 03/04/2012 11:31, Laura Newman ha scritto:
> Hi Everyone,
> The Open Data Handbook is almost translated in Italian - so far it is
> 95% complete!
> I will be adding the German translation to the website today. It would
> be great if we could add the Italian translation today as well.

i think we need to read the complete document before publish it.
In the last experience with the opendatamanual we had some problems with 
different point of view how to present some sentences.
For example:
in english is always "you", but we can use the second person singular 
("tu") or, the second person plural ("voi") o a impersonal form (ex. "si 
consiglia ..")

Different contributors have different points of view.
After the traslation we need always a complete review made by a only one 

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