[okfn-labs] The Data Transformer: http://transformer.datahub.io - cleaning up data in JS in the browser

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sat Jul 28 17:40:22 UTC 2012

Hi All,

Announcing an alpha prototype version of the Data Transformer, an app
to let you clean up data in the browser using javascript:


Here's a 2m overview video:


This prototype got hacked together in an afternoon a couple of weeks
ago when I was fortunate enough to spend an an afternoon with Michael
Aufreiter, Chris Herwig, Mike Morris and others at the Development
Seed offices. It builds on ReclineJS + oauth / github connectors
borrowed from Prose.

It's part of an ongoing plan to create a "Data Orchestra" of
lightweight data services that can play nicely together with each
other and connect to things like the DataHub (or GitHub ...):



## More details

Some of you may already have seen the "transform" view in ReclineJS:


This allows you to write a simple map function in JS to transform the
records in a Dataset and then run this code on the entire dataset.

What we worked on in DC was turning this data transform capabilties of
ReclineJS into a proper app. The result (very much still a work in
progress) is up online here:


Tutorial video: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM1USNaEcVQ>

In essence this app:

1. Let's you load a CSV file from github (fixed at the moment but soon
to be customizable)
2. Let's you write simple javascript to edit this file (uses ReclineJS
transform and grid views + CSV backends)
3. Let's you save this file back to github (via oauth login - this
utilizes Michael's great work in Prose!)

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