[Open-access] Green Gold Gratis Libre

Mike Taylor mike at indexdata.com
Fri Feb 24 15:23:05 UTC 2012

I had not seen Peter Suber's gratis/libre post before.  It is very
good, and I highly recommend it to everyone.  It makes much of what
we've discussed here unnecessary:

But I wish he'd have the basic common sense to put each of his posts
on a separate page!  There is a better page to cite (with the same
content) at:

Having seen this, I think we should not attempt our own definitions.
They would be superfluous and would only create more confusion.

-- Mike.

P.S. Can anyone briefly bring me up to speed on the history?  Why do
we even HAVE a Berlin definition when we already had the Budapest
definition?  What was that not sufficient?

On 24 February 2012 15:06, Klaus Graf <klausgraf at googlemail.com> wrote:
> For me this discussion is a little bit strange.
> I am an advocate of the BBB definition of OA and do not appreciate any
> try to ignore the progess between BOAI and Berlin. Berlin is the most
> accepted OA declaration.
> Suber has shown several times that the BBB definitions have a core
> meaning. Therefore it is allowed to speak of "the" BBB definition.
> CC-BY is the CC license which fits best the BBB definition but at the
> time of the BOAI CC (which was foundet also in 2001) was only in statu
> nascendi.
> The Berlin definition has towo points which are not up to date:
> (1) "as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for
> their personal use." This is overruled by all CC licenses.
> (2) "A complete version of the work and all supplemental materials,
> including a copy of the permission as stated above". This is overruled
> by tagging with CC-licenses.
> What gratis and libre means has been fixed in a Suber/Harnad agreement:
> http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/newsletter/08-02-08.htm#gratis-libre
> We should not confuse the things by claiming that CC-NC or ND isn't
> libre ("removal of price and at least some permission barriers").
> Klaus Graf
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