[open-bibliography] German National Bibliography as LOD under CC0

Tom Morris tfmorris at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 15:48:13 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 6:43 AM, Adrian Pohl <adrian.pohl at okfn.org> wrote:

> good news from Germany. The German National Library
> 1) changed its licensing regime for Linked Data to CC0 which makes the
> data open according to the open definition[1],
> 2) has begun to publish the German national bibliography as Linked Open Data.
> For more information see the blog post at
> <http://openbiblio.net/2012/01/26/german-national-library-goes-lod-publishes-national-bibliography/>.

That's awesome, Adrian.  I don't suppose that there's any English
language documentation on the DNB data model?  Sadly, my German is
pretty much non-existent.

For example, the "related persons" to Bertolt Brecht
http://d-nb.info/gnd/118514768/about/html appear to be encoded with a
rich set of relationships (gnd:functionOfThePerson) including not only
1st wife, 2nd wife, son, etc, but also long-term mistress, lover, etc.
 Is there a standard list somewhere that this set of relationship
roles is drawn from is it just free form text entered by the

It's really great to see the national libraries of the world coming on
board with support of open data.  Keep up the great work!


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