[Open-data-census] Customized Questions and Scores

Waldo Jaquith waldo at usopendata.org
Fri Feb 6 21:59:09 UTC 2015


I’m working with Emily Shaw, at the Sunlight Foundation, to put together a census of U.S. states’ open data efforts. We’re going to change the evaluation criteria a bit, to work better for U.S. states, notably by increasing scores for datasets that are served over SSL (or are otherwise automatically verifiable). Changing the questions and their scores isn’t something that’s supported by Open Data Census, because OKF wants to be able to provide global comparisons, which requires constant metrics. We’re going to fork the project to make the necessary changes, though, so that's an easy problem to solve, although it’s a shame to work somewhat outside of OKF’s ecosystem.

I’m curious, though—does anybody else find that they want/need to change questions or scores? Or is it just us? :)


U.S. Open Data

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