[open-data-day] Open data day in Granada Spain

David Eaves david at eaves.ca
Mon Feb 11 17:00:04 GMT 2013

Juan - I'm sorry that the university will be closed, but think it is great that you are hosting it on the 22nd instead. I also think it is fantastic you are focusing on scientific and administrative data! 

I hope you share any outputs, and even put links up on the wiki (I'll create a page for this) when you are done so we can see it! (that goes for everyone!)

Separately - I've been to Granada a few times. What a beautiful city.


On 2013-02-11, at 5:10 AM, Juan Julian Merelo Guervos wrote:

> Hi, all:
> This year, for the first time (hopefully not the last) we'll be holding a open data day hackathon at the University of Granada (http://www.ugr.es) It's already up on the wiki, but there are two peculiarities: since due to budget cuts our U is closed on Saturdays, we'll have it the previous day (Feb 22th) and we'll concentrate on data from the university, in its two versions: scientific data and administrative data. Any advice, stickers, offers of grants and bottles of wine are obviously welcome.
> Cheers
> JJ
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