[open-data-day] Twitter map visualization for #odhd

Eric Mill konklone at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 03:45:46 GMT 2013

You have a pull request awaiting you with what I believe should do this.


Bear in mind, I did not have time to verify that it worked on my machine.
But it's just a URL change (not a code change) and I'm pretty confident it
works. Let me know if it does!

The equivalent search it's doing is:

-- Eric

On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Mary Beth Baker <maribethbaker at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ops - I didn't hear about that... but then again I wasn't paying attention
> as I wasn't planning an event this year. If you can add to the code we
> could search for that one too.
> Project is here:
> https://github.com/MaryBethBaker/helloworld
> mb
> On 22 February 2013 21:30, Eric Mill <konklone at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We printed out flyers saying #opendataday for tomorrow, fwiw. I thought
>> that was the consensus. :o
>> -- Eric
>> On Feb 22, 2013 9:27 PM, "Billy Meinke" <billy.meinke at creativecommons.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Can this be changed to accept the airport code and *either* #ODHD13 *or*
>>>  #ODHD?
>>> Worried that many folks won't be using the #ODHD hash tag as the
>>> mostly-established hashtags are #OpenDataDay and #ODHD13.
>>> Would be great to get as many up on that map as we can.
>>> Billy
>>> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Mary Beth Baker <
>>> maribethbaker at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Looks like I just wasn't using the correct twitter hashtag combination.
>>>> You need to tweet #odhd + #yourairportcode.
>>>> mb
>>>> On 22 February 2013 20:56, Mary Beth Baker <maribethbaker at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Ottawa has this twitter visualization map from the first odhd, that I
>>>>> just revived:
>>>>> http://bethmaru.com/helloworld/
>>>>>  But my fork on github doesn't seem to be working:
>>>>> http://bethmaru.com/helloworld/
>>>>> Any suggestions, it's hosted on gh-pages, the code is here:
>>>>> https://github.com/MaryBethBaker/helloworld
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Mary Beth
>>>>> @bethmaru
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>>> Billy Meinke
>>> Science and Data Intern
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