[open-development] Fwd: FW: Job at aidinfo

Friedrich Lindenberg friedrich.lindenberg at okfn.org
Tue May 17 21:11:46 UTC 2011

This sounds interesting!

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Victoria Room [mailto:victoria at devinit.org]
Sent: 17 May 2011 10:18
To: shaamela cassiem; Elena Mondo; Claire Schouten; Rachel Rank

Hi All,

A plea for help!

We’re trying to recruit someone to support our work to support people
to access and use aid data. I wonder if you’d be able to circulate to
your contacts?

We want someone who has:

·         Good understanding of the aid system and key aid concepts such as ODA

·         Demonstrable experience of working with civil society
organizations and with designing and implementing capacity building

·         Highly numerate with an aptitude for analysing numerical
data and a proven ability to analyse and compile technical information
and to manipulate data from multiple sources

·         Proven experience of the practical application and
communication of statistical, quantitative and analytical methods i.e.
turning data and research into a meaningful format both at a written
and verbal level to a wide range of non-specialist audiences

Many thanks in advance,


Victoria Room

Policy Advisor, aidinfo

Development Initiatives, Keward Court, Keward Business Park, Jocelyn
Drive, Wells, Somerset, BA5 1DB, UK

Tel:  +44 (0) 1749 671343  I  Fax:  +44 (0) 1749 676721  I  Skype:
victoriar_devinit  I  Email:  victoria at devinit.org

devinit.org  I   globalhumanitarianassistance.org  I   aidinfo.org

Development Initiatives is an independent organisation that
specialises in development policy and financing, access to information
and communication for poverty elimination
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