[open-economics] Updating Web Design of Yourtopia

roger202 at msu.edu roger202 at msu.edu
Mon Oct 31 13:40:40 UTC 2011

>  - We could improve the design for which we need somebody with more
>  experience in programming - Python and PHP

I would be interested in getting into more web development, however, I  
am busy with University at the moment. I have a background in Python,  
but have not done web development with it. Also, I've been tinkering  
with some PHP code but don't know enough to develop anything useful in  
it yet. When I have some time over winter vacation I would love to  
check out the code.

I recently found a website that allows a user to test a website  
server-side. You can see it here: https://kodingen.com/ (It's still in  
beta but rapidly growing!). I think it would be helpful if we created  
an account and uploaded yourtopia to it so we could tinker with the  
design easily without making any changes directly to the page. This  
also would allow people who are new to python and/or PHP to check it  
out easily and learn a thing or two. Having used Koding for a few  
weeks now, it is a pretty easy site to get started on, and I would be  
more than happy to set it up if this is something we are interested in  

David Rogers

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