[Open-education] New Year Plans: Working Group Calls

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Mon Dec 16 09:20:53 UTC 2013

Dear All,

We have plans to start Open Education Working Group calls in the new year.

The purpose of these calls will be two-fold:

Firstly they will be an opportunity for us to *get to know each other*. 
During the first half of the call people will be able to introduce 
themselves and give a brief overview of the open education related 
project and activities they are involved with (think of it as a quick 
lightning talk -- so mega quick!) You don't have to speak if you don't 
want to, there's no pressure. But if you have something you'd like to 
share then this will be the time.

Secondly they will be a chance for us to *get the group active*. The 
second part of the call will allow us to get down to business and here 
we will discuss what we'd like the working group to be, future 
activities, ideas for events etc.

We'd love you to participate. Read our blog post for further details on 
how to get involved 



Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <%3Fhttp://linkedup-project.eu/%3F> Project Community 
Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy 
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