[Open-education] Open Badges and national awarding

Joe.Wilson at sqa.org.uk Joe.Wilson at sqa.org.uk
Fri Oct 11 10:04:18 UTC 2013

I thought some folks on this list might be interested in some work we have 
been doing with Mozilla to encourage 
take up of openbadges across Scottish Education .

Press Release is here  http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/67688.html

And what it actually means in terms of policy action at national level 

Over the last two years we have been in dialogue with the Mozilla 
The Scottish Qualifications Authority supports the concept of Open Badges 
and is working in partnership with the Scottish Open Badges Group to 
support the adoption of Open Badges across a range of sectors. 
We believe that the infrastructure promotes and supports greater 
flexibility for learning and the recognition of achievement.
 Within the national context we believe that Open Badges have the 
potential to:
1.        accredit significant small steps in a learner’s journey from 
informal learning to formal certification. 
2.        offer recognition for the achievement of single competencies and 
3.        provide recognition for chunks of learning or performance 
smaller than would normally be recognised in national certification and 
national credit rating systems.
4.        be used towards accreditation of prior learning where 
In an organisational context:
1.        We will explore the adoption of Open Badges as part of the 
recognition that we can offer teachers and appointees through our SQA 
Academy Courses
2.        We will explore the possibilities that Open Badges offer in 
terms of digital certification in the future.

Joe Wilson
Head of New Ventures
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Tel 0845 213  5389
Mobile 07834 843011

Twitter  www.twitter.com/joecar
#OER14   http://oer14.org/

The Optima Building ,
58 Robertson Street , Glasgow ,G2 8DQ

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