[Open-education] Helping the Open Education Handbook

Marieke Guy marieke.guy at okfn.org
Wed Aug 20 13:26:51 UTC 2014

For those who don't know...the Open Education Handbook 
<http://education.okfn.org/handbook/> is a collaboratively written 
living web document targeting educational practitioners and the 
education community at large. It offers an introduction to various open 
education topics including open education data, open education 
resources, learning and teaching practice, open source tools and open 
accreditation. It is also a springboard from which users can connect 
with other relevant resources. The handbook is currently available in 
Booktype, an open source book authoring tool, and can be edited by anyone.

We have to deliver a version of the handbook reasonably soon (early 
October) for the LinkedUp Project <http://linkedup-project.eu> so now is 
the time to make any edits you'd like to make!

There is a new blog post with some ideas: 

It includes a list of possible questions for you to take a look including...

  * Is traditional education not open?
  * Who is meant to benefit from open education?
  * Open (as in access) or open (as in participatory & contribution)?
  * What about the quality of OER?
  * Can OERs be broken down into elements?
  * Are OERs being used by teachers?
  * Is open content accessible to those with disabilities?
  * What is the difference between open education and open learning?
  * How does policy relate to open education?
  * What data is available from online education?
  * What open data in education use cases are there?

It would be great to see people editing what's there and helping us tidy 
up content!




Marieke Guy
LinkedUp <http://linkedup-project.eu/> Project Community Coordinator | 
skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy 
Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>
/Empowering through Open Knowledge/
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