[Open-education] Opening Educational Practices Scotland - Advisory Forum 2

OEPScotland oepscotland at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 15:13:35 UTC 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,
As part of its mission to facilitate best practice in Scottish open
education, Opening Educational Practices Scotland (OEPS) is holding its
second Advisory Forum on *Thursday, 19th March 2015.* The project launch
and first forum was held in October, and future forums are planned every 6

*The purpose of the Forum is:*

    - To explore the latest developments in open educational practice and
    - To provide insight into practical ways to get started, deepen or
    enhance your understanding of OEP
    - To share the project's progress, plans and findings
    - To explore how OEPS can help you and your organisation - and how to
    get involved in the project
    - To enable participants to build their own network of open educational

*We do this by:*

    - Bringing together leading practitioners
    - Providing workshops on leading edge topics as well as introductory
    sessions for those new to OEP
    - Encouraging groups from organisations to come to the forum to learn
    - Building time into the programme for participants to network
    - Facilitating sessions where the project can learn from participants'
    knowledge and experience

Further details of the programme and how to register will follow soon,
however in the meantime please put the date and venue in your diary, and
circulate this information to those who might be interested:
*Thursday 19th March (9:30 am - 3:30 pm) *at the *Stirling Court Hotel
<http://www.stirlingcourthotel.com/>, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9
To find out more about the OEPS project, please visit our website  


Pete Cannell
OEPS Project Co-Director

For more information, please contact:
Maggie Nguyen
OEPS Project Assistant
Email: oepscotland at gmail.com
Tel: 0131 549 7990
*http://oepscotland.org <http://oepscotland.org/>*
Follow us on Twitter @OEPScotland  #OEPSforum2
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