[Open-education] [OER] Sharing of nice practice how show usage of OER
Tamara Kovacova
tamara.kovacova at eduin.cz
Thu Oct 1 14:39:02 UTC 2015
Dear Vassilis,
many thanks for your comment. Done :-) Thanks to: Ján Gondol, Nicole
Allen and Tomothy Vollmer
2015-10-01 15:55 GMT+02:00 Vassilis Protonotarios <vprot at agroknow.gr>:
> Hi Tamara,
> Thank you for sharing your story; it quickly drew my attention and I was
> glad to make it to the end - it is a great, detailed example of how OER can
> be applied in specific contexts.
> As regards the collection space for such OER success stories, I have to
> admit that I am sorry to see them restricted in a mailing list and not
> publicly available; based on my previous experience, a multi-author blog
> would be ideal for this purpose: The author would describe his/her story as
> a blog post (even with basic formatting) and the follow ups (i.e. the
> responses to this email) would be the comments of the blog post.
> I am sure that a blog could be easily set up in any of the OER advocacy
> websites - it is free, requires minimum maintenance and administration and
> lets people publicly share their stories (posts) and comments. Most
> important? Posts live forever out there, publicly available to anyone
> (unless the server goes down); in contrast, such emails in this list are a
> well-kept secret for the few who know how to register to it, without any
> mean to point external stakeholders to such lovely emails (like yours)
> apart from forwarding the email itself.
> That's my two cents in this conversation; I hope that you'll consider my
> proposal.
> Best regards,
> Vassilis
> *Vassilis Protonotarios, PhD| Senior Project Manager *
> *Agro-Know*
> *Email: <vprot at agroknow.gr>vprot at agroknow.gr <vprot at agroknow.gr>*
> *Website:www.agroknow.gr <http://www.agroknow.gr>*
> *Tel: +30 210 6897 905*
> *Address:17 Grammou Str., Vrilissia GR15235, Greece*
> Agro-Know is an extraordinary company that captures, organizes and adds
> value to the rich information available in agricultural and biodiversity
> sciences, in order to make it universally accessible, useful and meaningful.
> Check out our blog : blog.agro-know.com <http:/blog.agro-know.com>
> On 23/09/2015 15:58, Tamara Kovacova wrote:
> Hi Open Education and OER community,
> encouraged by Nicole Allen, let me share our story with you as well :-).
> I would like just share with you one of possible nice practice how to show
> usability of OER (because Alek Tarkowski motivated us to do so :-) which we
> are just experiencing..
> As reaction on world migration situation we as EDUin (eduin.cz) motivated
> couple of weeks ago czech organization of civic educaton teachers (
> obcankari.cz ) to create handy worksheets for teachers of K12 about
> migration with CC licence (in czech because we are targeting czech teachers
> audience at the moment).
> This worksheet (6 - 11 years) are available here:
> <http://www.obcankari.cz/edukacni-material-pracovni-list-kdo-proc-utika>
> http://www.obcankari.cz/edukacni-material-pracovni-list-kdo-proc-utika
> and here (12 - 16 years)):
> <http://www.obcankari.cz/edukacni-material-pracovni-list-migrant-azyl-azylant>
> http://www.obcankari.cz/edukacni-material-pracovni-list-migrant-azyl-azylant
> We think that this activity can show that OER can for example:
> 1) react on new situation - in terms of new content - very quickly (which
> standard textbooks can not)
> 2) react on new situation in terms of quick spreading of the material when
> it is needed (standard books are slower)
> 3) can join different school subjects together (based on modern
> phenomenon based learning strategy) - different subjects as civic
> education, history, literature are taught mostly separatelly today and as
> well the most of the textbooks keep school subjects separatelly as well.
> OER can serve better for effective phenomenon based learning, e.g. can
> easily join school subjects together.
> And we as EDUin made a promo mix (even with press release seen as well
> here
> <http://www.eduin.cz/tiskove-zpravy/tiskova-zprava-jak-ucit-o-uprchlicich/>
> http://www.eduin.cz/tiskove-zpravy/tiskova-zprava-jak-ucit-o-uprchlicich/ )
> of this OER worksheets among teachers, parents , experts, journalists.
> Yesterday we got call from Czech Television :-).
> So .. as far as Alek all the time asks for sharing some nice OER stories,
> so I would like to share this with you :-).
> btw - is there some place where nice OER/ Open education stories are
> collected? We would like to know about more of those stories, which can
> help us to do better advocacy for open education and OER :-).
> Enjoy autumn :-),
> Tamara
> --
> Tamara Kováčová
> EDUin, o. p. s. - Vzdělávání je i naše věc
> Veslařský ostrov 62
> 147 00 Praha 4 - Podolí
> Tel.: 603 942 437
> E-mail: <tamara.kovacova at eduin.cz>tamara.kovacova at eduin.cz
> www.eduin.cz
> EDUIn na Facebooku
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Tamara Kováčová
EDUin, o. p. s. - Vzdělávání je i naše věc
Veslařský ostrov 62
147 00 Praha 4 - Podolí
Tel.: 603 942 437
E-mail: tamara.kovacova at eduin.cz
EDUIn na Facebooku
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