[Open-education] Open Licensing Policy Toolkit (DRAFT)

Cable Green cable at creativecommons.org
Wed Sep 23 06:05:26 UTC 2015


Greetings Open Education Friends:

We are all seeing more open licensing policies being adopted that require
publicly (and foundation) funded resources to be openly licensed.

In the past few years, the United States federal government has
significantly accelerated its interest in and implementation of open
licensing policy requirements on the products of publicly funded grants and

To support the education of government staff creating, adopting and
implementing open licensing policies – Creative Commons has drafted an “*Open
Licensing Policy Toolkit*
While this particular draft is tailored for U.S. government federal staff,
it can easily be revised to meet the needs of any country.

Tim Vollmer and I are sharing it here hoping others will take, improve, and
modify it to meet regional, national and/or local needs. We look forward to
seeing what you create... and we are happy to collaborate with you should
you identify an opportunity to work with your government on broad open
licensing requirements on publicly funded resources.
I look forward to seeing many of you in Seoul at the CC Summit

Your friend and colleague,


*PS - As google docs is not an open source platform, we will be moving the
"Toolkit" to the CC Wiki (FOSS) later this week ... and will redirect all


Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons
@cgreen <http://twitter.com/cgreen>
*reuse, revise, remix, redistribute** & retain*

*Get Creative Commons Updates http://bit.ly/commonsnews
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