[open-heritage] Announcing the Open Culture and Open Science Hack at OKFestival

Sam Leon sam.leon at okfn.org
Tue Aug 28 09:46:22 UTC 2012

For those who don't already know the Open Knowledge Foundation will be
running the world's first Open Knowledge Festival
<http://okfestival.org/>in under three weeks time in Helsinki,

As part of the Cultural Heritage stream we will be running a hackday
on *Tuesday
18th September* in collaboration with the Open Knowledge Foundation's open
science team. Full details of this are now up on the OKFestival

There will be a host of activities including hacking on Finnish cultural
heritage datasets opened up specially for the festival, hacking on existing
tools (such as TEXTUS <http://textusproject.org>,
Pundit <http://thepund.it/>) as well as plenty of activities for non-coders
such as a Wikipedia edit-a-thon and an open video mash-up session.

For all those making the trip out to Helsinki, please *sign up
For those not able to make it there will be way of participating remotely,
more details to follow shortly.

All the best,

Sam Leon
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Twitter: @noeL_maS
Skype: samedleon
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