[open-heritage] Contemporary Artists CC outreach project

Joris Pekel okfn.joris.pekel at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 26 09:45:02 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Echoing Maarten, great to see this happening!
I think we have some pretty solid ideas to get started. Great to see the
input of Sandra Fouconnier in the pad!
Shall we try to do a first Skype/Hangout session in the next week? This
allows us to wrap up OKFest and take things forward from there. I think the
best time to do it is 18:00 CEST, which means 9:00 for Sarah in the
morning. Does that make sense? I have set up a doodle to pick a date.



2012/9/25 Maarten Brinkerink <mbrinkerink at beeldengeluid.nl>

> Dear all,
> Great to see this is taking off. Just one response inline:
> Op 22 sep. 2012, om 11:41 heeft Sarah Stierch <sarah.stierch at gmail.com>
> het volgende geschreven:
>    - Who will be our focus group?
>     - My intention was to have this be geared specifically towards
>       contemporary visual artists, to be used by Open GLAM professionals to
>       promote free licenses by those artists. Over the course of the week,
>       participants also suggested writers, musicians, all types of creators.
>       Perhaps we can start with one geared towards contemporary artists, in order
>       to have something of quality in a timely manner, and move further? Or make
>       something more encompassing?
> I think it makes sense to focus on contemporary visual artists at first.
> Since this is not my field I won't be involved at this point. But please
> let me know once you've matured and start focussing on for instance
> musicians and creators of moving images.
> Best,
> Maarten
>    -
>    - I see this document being something similar to the Wikimedia
>    Foundation's Annual Report:
>    http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Annual_Report
>       - Imagine a document that looks good online and on paper, with
>       simple calls to action for artists to share their works. If we're pitching
>       to visual artists, it's important that we have a visually attractive
>       document with short and simple writing styles and visual examples of free
>       work.
>    - Who will print it? Who will support this financially? Will we need
>    that at all? (The artists I know prefer to hold things in their hand versus
>    have a PDF online...)
>     - What names will be on it - as in organizational names. Where will
>    this document live?
> I'm on airport wifi right now and it won't let me connect to Ether or
> PiratePads. So perhaps someone can dump this to the Piratepad or It'll just
> have to wait until I'm back in the States and not jet lagged :)
>  Please add your name and contact information. We'll most likely have to
> have the occasional Skype/Hangout call, too.
> I also encourage you to share resources, and start brainstorming. I have
> to tie this into my volunteer capacity since I do not have the pleasure
> (yet) to work in the GLAM/Open Culture field in a paid capacity at this
> time, so it'll take a happy group of volunteers to make this develop
> quickly!
> Thanks,
> Sarah
> --
> *Sarah Stierch*
> *Museumist and open culture advocate*
> >>Visit sarahstierch.com <http://sarahstierch.com/><<
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Joris Pekel
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
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