[OpenGLAM] Impact metrics: Increase in reach and reuse of Open Images

Maarten Brinkerink mbrinkerink at beeldengeluid.nl
Fri Feb 22 13:06:34 UTC 2013

Dear all,

As announced during the Building the Cultural Commons meeting at OKfest as part of the Open Cultural Heritage stream and in response to the growing need within the cultural heritage field to receive statistics on the impact of the opening up of cultural data sets, Sound and Vision together with Kennisland will perform impact analysis research for Open Culture Data (GLAMetrics). In order to do so, the data providers from the Open Culture Network, but also international initiatives, are requested to provide data on the impact and reuse of their data sets by filling out a survey. We will get back to this survey on this list at a later stage.

For now I would like to share a first blogpost with some very first analysis of one of our 'own' project, Open Images: http://www.openimages.eu/blog/2013/02/20/impact-metrics-increase-in-reach-and-reuse-of-open-images/

Looking forward to your responses and feedback!

Best regards,


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