[OpenGLAM] cost benefit analysis of open digital content

David Farneth DFarneth at getty.edu
Mon Oct 7 20:49:58 UTC 2013

I look forward to seeing if anyone can point to some current cost analysis.

This older article by Ken Hamma provides some historical context.  See, especially, footnote 6.


David Farneth
Assistant Director
The Getty Research Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA  90049-1688

office: (310) 440-7076
mobile: (310) 270-5280
dfarneth at getty.edu
Assistant: Cassandra Heiser: (310) 440-7433

>>> "Harkema, Craig" <craig.harkema at usask.ca> 10/7/2013 1:27 PM >>>
Hi there,

I'm wondering if any of you have come across anything regarding the cost benefit of opening up digital content? In other words, I'm curious about just how much organization make off of charging for high res files, for example, versus the accounting, general overhead, rescanning, and so forth that is required? Which is not to mention any of the barriers to use charging fees such as this imposes.


[cid:image001.jpg at 01CDD6B6.8499DB40] Craig Harkema
Digital Projects Librarian
University Library, University of Saskatchewan
Tel: (306) 966-5980 | saskhistoryonline.ca<http://saskhistoryonline.ca> | twitter.com/saskhistory<http://twitter.com/saskhistory>

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