[OpenGLAM] Flickr now offers Public Domain and CC0 designations (!!)

James Morley James.Morley at europeana.eu
Tue Mar 31 10:40:28 UTC 2015

Wow, this is unexpected given their response every time we've nagged them - https://www.flickr.com/search/forum/?lang=en-us&q=public+domain . Excellent!

Previously I had had to set a CC BY license on my personal collection and then place in a Public Domain set. Now I have set them all correctly :) https://www.flickr.com/photos/whatsthatpicture/sets/72157646000866725/#

A few points:

Whilst they haven't updated their API documentation as yet, it does appear that you can query specifically on the new licenses - e.g. https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&api_key=8a489aee598e818ab4552c726ed30407&license=10&extras=license&format=rest where 9 is CC0 and 10 is PD (time limited temporary API key which will probably only work for today)

Sadly their main search, even advanced search, has never intuitively allowed querying by each individual license, and there's no change there.  But I see from inspecting the URL that they have included these new licenses in the 'Creative Commons only - Modifications allowed' results https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=daguerreotype&user_id=24469639%40N00&sort=relevance&license=1%2C2%2C4%2C5%2C9%2C10   Which means we can actually hack that url to get just those licenses https://www.flickr.com/search/?sort=interestingness-desc&license=9%2C10 (add %2C7 to get Flickr Commons as well)

On which note, I wonder where this leaves the unique/bespoke Flickr Commons license 'No known copyright restrictions'? For those organisations that are willing, will they even be allowed to select one of these standard open licenses?

On their official announcement a user has made a valid point:
"Is there any restriction on the account owner who sets a public domain license, such that the setting cannot be changed in the future? Unlike other CC licenses where the photographer can revert to All Rights Reserved (so future uses cannot be done under the CC-license), Public Domain is not reversible. At least, that is my understanding. Does the Flickr UI prevent changing from PD to a more restrictive license?"

But overall, great news!

Cheers, James

From: open-glam [open-glam-bounces at lists.okfn.org] on behalf of Joris Pekel [jpekel at gmail.com]
Sent: 31 March 2015 09:37
To: open-glam at lists.okfn.org
Subject: [OpenGLAM] Flickr now offers Public Domain and CC0 designations (!!)

Hi everyone,

Great news, as of today Flickr has added two rights labels for users (and GLAMs) to choose from: CC0 and the Public Domain mark. Finally you are able to correctly label out of copyright works or dedicate material to the commons. See the announcement of Flickr here:


And some more information on the Creative Commons website:


Next up is to show this to other platforms like Soundcloud I would say.



James Morley
Creative Industries Community Developer

M: +44 (0)77 1336 0563
E: James.Morley at europeana.eu
Skype: jamesinealing

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