[open-government] About Moscow city administration opendata plans

Ivan Begtin ibegtin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 19:37:41 UTC 2011

Hi Rufus.

2011/9/15 Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>

> Depends what you need to do. To deploy a CKAN instance and do a bit
> theming could be a matter of a week (or even less). If you need to
> integrate with other material or do more customization it would be
> longer. Data Greater Manchester <http://datagm.org.uk/> is an example
> of a reasonably simple city level open data portal.
Actually first of all I want to launch public discussion about how Moscow
open data portal could be implemented and to be ready not to let russian
officials to shift it to the public services. That's why I am collecting
examples that will be understandable for them.

> > - how expensive it is to create city level opendata portal?
> Again depends what you need to do.
Right now my activities is advocacy to focus on open source solution for
Moscow open data portal.

> > - which open source solutions available? I know about CKAN and NDC from
> > Sunlight Labs.
> NDC site has been "sunsetted" though I believe the code is still
> around on github.
Ok, thanks.

> Rufus


Best Regards,
  Ivan Begtin

email: ibegtin at gmail.com
twitter: ibegtin <http://twitter.com/ibegtin>
facebook: facebook.com/ibegtin
personal website: ivan.begtin.name
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