[open-government] Nomination for Steering Committee members opened

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Fri Feb 8 12:03:45 UTC 2013

Dear all,

I would like to share with you. Maybe you know good candidates for this wonderful opportunity and challenge. 

All best

The last few months you, the civil society community has worked hard to design a good new process for rotation and now the time has come to nominate the best candidate CSO Steering Committee members possible! From April onwards there is space for 3 new members that will help address the specific challenges facing OGP in the coming period.

This is an opportunity for civil society leaders from across the world to bring their skills, expertise and network to OGP. The process hopefully attracts strong candidates from a diversity of regions and backgrounds, leading to a balanced team of civil society members on the Steering Committee that are well-positioned to continue to provide strategic and effective leadership to OGP. 

The role of the OGP Steering Committee - consisting of 9 representatives from government and 9 from civil society - is further described in the Articles of Governance is “to develop, promote and safeguard the values, principles and interests of the OGP. It also establishes the core ideas, policies, and rules of the partnership, and oversees the functioning of the partnership.” 

The new members will join OGP at a vital moment - with most fundamentals in place the task is not only to further shape OGP policies and work, but also to build strong and effective civil society participation at national level.

More information
Directly to the form
More questions: contact Paul Maassen <maassenpaul at gmail.com>

PAUL MAASSEN | Civil Society Coordinator 
supporting independent engagement with the Open Government Partnership
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