[open-government] Public assessment of the OGP national plans. Jus an experiment with these data.

paul maassen maassenpaul at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 14:46:05 UTC 2014

Cool! Also might want to send to ogp at droups.org?
On Aug 19, 2014 10:26 AM, "alberto abella" <alberto.abella at okfn.es> wrote:

>  I have just made a tiny experiment about  creating a countries' ranking
> based on their ambition in their OGP plans and their accomplishment.
> I insist, it is just an experiment in order to check if we would be able
> to create something serious and sound.
> Sorry Daniel, although I agree with you that it is not fair comparison, I
> could not resist the temptation to create it.
> http://gobernamos.com/2014/08/19/an-experiment-with-data-from-the-open-government-partnership/
> Alberto
> On Tue, 2014-08-12 at 10:00 +0200, paul maassen wrote:
> Morning all,
>  I am working with Miska Knapek, who some of you in the OKF crowd
> probably know, to get a good visualization tool up - both expert and layman
> view - on the IRM data (enriched with issue tags). Hard work, but slowly
> getting closer. Will be ready end of September latest I hope. It really
> should help us all to filter and sort the data, make comparisons of
> countries, see if performance on certain issues is better than on others
> etc. All based on the IRM data though, so deeper analysis on specific
> topics, or ambition measured against international standards etc would be a
> separate exercise.
>  I know some of the OGP working groups are looking into commitments made
> on their specific issue area. The fiscal openness working group made td
> analysis
> <http://fiscaltransparency.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/tmp_OGP-GIFT-FOWG-Bali-Murray-Petrie-Background-Paper726337583.pdf>
> public already.
>  Best
>  Paul
>  On 10 August 2014 18:47, alberto abella <alberto.abella at okfn.es> wrote:
>  My initial concern was that governments feel no pressure from public
> opinion by providing non ambitious action plans to the OGP, with no
> relevant actions in them and even missing systematically their commitments.
> Lots of efforts have been made by the IRM, Census and other initiatives.
> We have to make easy for the public opinion to understand who is doing
> real efforts (and for journalists to write an easy headline)
> Any tool to visualize the real efforts  and achievements vs action plans
> in the simplest form (and a rank is just an example), will help to
> understand who is doing real efforts and to put some pressure the
> governments to meet their commitments.
> Alberto
> On Wed, 2014-08-06 at 16:58 +0100, Daniela Mattern wrote:
> @Mor:
> +1 on syncing with the Census work.
> There has been some suggestion around providing more background
> information around the country that is evaluated in the census, for instance
> - existence and quality of FOIA
> - existence of OGP
> - existence of national Open Data Portal
> To my mind a good place for this information would be a wiki, apart from
> this we can of course have spreadsheets for comparison between countries.
> In the census we then could have a link to a wiki page ...
> I am happy to participate.
> Daniela
> On 6 August 2014 16:24, alberto abella <alberto.abella at okfn.es> wrote:
> I think that apart from the raw databases that IRM provides Alan has done
> most of the job, to gather a summarize data about the commitments.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tFdLFTvo5cHlVJ3rjM17YYMgXc6UFrPrgJsN_dgMUMc/edit#gid=1090828196
> Don't you think that further treatment (visualization) on these data (kind
> of rank) would be an incentive for best practice sharing between countries?
> I know that Tim has much more experience than me (possibly Alan and Igbal
> you too) but it seemed to me a good idea ;-D
> Alberto
> On Tue, 2014-08-05 at 05:49 -0400, Alan Hudson wrote:
> Definitely worth being in touch with Paul Massen on this. He's been giving
> some thought to ways of making the excellent IRM data more accessible and
> useful - visualisations, platforms etc.
> My post from May includes some links that people might want to explore too
> re IRM data and analysis
> http://alanhudson.info/?p=11589
> best
> alan
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:43 AM, Tim Davies <tim at timdavies.org.uk> wrote:
> Hey Alberto, Igbal
> Have you see the dataset that the Open Government Partnership Independent
> Reporting Mechanism team are working on?
> http://www.opengovpartnership.org/independent-reporting-mechanism
> They are currently working on coding up the commitments made by countries,
> and then sharing this data for others to analyse. Carrying out an analysis
> of this data might be a good first step.
> They have been tagging commitments for level of ambition, as well as theme
> etc.
> Because of the way the OGP works (voluntary commitments by countries,
> supposed to be based on consultation with civil society in country), I'm
> not sure a general ranking is possible or desirable - as countries should
> be encouraged to improve their levels of ambition and their engagement with
> local civil society, rather than to compete against some externally defined
> set of important open government ideas.
> However, it might be possible to use tools like the Open Data Index to
> scrutinize open data commitments in particular - checking that all the
> datasets countries commit to publish are checked for those countries that
> commit to them. This sort of civil society provided evidence of meeting
> commitments would potentially feed well into the Independent Reporting
> Mechanism.
> An alternative approach would be to take the commitments data, and try and
> create a platform to allow more public engagement with the commitments,
> crowdsourcing views on whether they are (a) ambitious enough; and (b) being
> applied and delivered on.
> All the best
> Tim
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Igbal Safarov <iqbal1986 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Dear Alberto,
> It is very good idea to compare and do raking between countries.
> Additionally, It is possible to develop "best practice" guideline based on
> the good experience of countries. This guideline can help the experts to
> meet and improve real situation.
> Thank you,
> On 5 August 2014 04:41, alberto abella <alberto.abella at okfn.es> wrote:
>  I've talked with Laura James and in the local coord list that it would be
> good to assess globally all the national action plans that the different
> countries submit to the OGP.
> It is true that some assessment is done in OGP but the results are not
> ranked, neither clearly published. We (the coordinator of Ireland and
> Spain) agree that our national plans were 'quite improvable' (bullshit is
> another equivalent word to describe them but I want to be polite)
> We thought that because of the network of OKFN we could arrange such
> public assessment and make comparisons between countries.
> What do you think.
> Alberto
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