[open-humanities] 18th-century texts online accessible

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Apr 26 13:55:55 UTC 2011

On 26 April 2011 14:53, Philippe Aigrain
<philippe.aigrain at sopinspace.com> wrote:
> I confirm: this is a close consortium collaborative effort with no
> public access at this time, and even extrapolating, one can fear that
> the future public access will be limited to the surface (an interactive
> presentation of the laid out text) and no open access for the sources
> (the TEI XML encoded text and the layout software).
> This has in my opinion to be checked before it can be endorsed by
> OKF/CKAN, no ?

Given the update on the license this wouldn't be a project that would
be directly endorsed by the OKF since the material isn't open. That
doesn't mean it couldn't be registered on http://ckan.net/ as that can
include material that while not yet open could be open etc. At the
same time I think it is nice to hear of a project making steps towards
open if they haven't got there yet!


> Philippe Aigrain
> Le 26/04/2011 15:46, John Levin a écrit :
>> On 26/04/2011 13:47, Rufus Pollock wrote:
>>> On 26 April 2011 11:30, Janneke Adema<ademaj at uni.coventry.ac.uk>  wrote:
>>>> This is amazing news:
>>>> 2000-odd 18th-century texts, formerly in databases, are now publicly
>>>> accessible: http://ow.ly/4H0Ux
>>>> Via 18th connect: www.18thconnect.org
>>> This is indeed great news. Direct link for source project is here:
>>> <http://www.lib.umich.edu/tcp/ecco/description.html>
>>> Anyone up for creating a<http://ckan.net/>  entry for this new resource:
>>> <http://www.lib.umich.edu/tcp/ecco/description.html>
>>> (Would be good as part of this to clarify the exact license terms and
>>> whether these are fully open -- AFAICT you do at least need to request
>>> the texts by email -- they are not yet posted online).
>>> Rufus
>> There seems to be some licensing 'information' here:
>> http://www.lib.umich.edu/tcp/eebo/description.html
>> Quote:
>> Licensing and Access
>> The EEBO-TCP project is notable for creating quality electronic editions
>> of culturally significant content of enduring value. It is also notable
>> for doing so under terms that foster scholarly use and widespread
>> access. Partner institutions are co-owners of the textfile and are
>> entitled to copies of that file for local loading and management. After
>> an exclusive licensing period granted to Proquest comes to a close,
>> partners can treat the file as if locally created and can distribute the
>> texts freely. Our cooperative agreement with ProQuest is intended to
>> protect their investment in the EEBO project while supporting the
>> principle of public domain access to early texts. For partner
>> institutions not yet prepared to support a local implementation of
>> searchable EEBO-TCP texts, access is presently provided without charge
>> by libraries at the Universities of Michigan and Oxford. Partners can
>> search TCP editions at these sites and retrieve both relevant text
>> portions and corresponding page images. ProQuest also provides an
>> interface through which to search to the subset of keyed and encoded
>> texts, along with page images of the entire collection.
>> As far as I can tell, these texts have *NOT* been freely and openly
>> released, whether judged by license or access. As far as I can tell, the
>> texts are nowhere to be found on the internet without a specific
>> university log-in. I've sent an email requesting them from 18th Century
>> connect as per this page:
>> http://www.18thconnect.org/news/?p=49
>> and if I get them, will let the list know.
>> John
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