[open-linguistics] adding new LLOD bubbles

Christian Chiarcos christian.chiarcos at web.de
Sun Mar 11 14:35:24 UTC 2012

Dear Antonio,

yes, we can add a "new bubble" in the diagram at any time, and even before  
next Wednesday ;) We have to specify the exact conditions for the process  
somewhere with greater level of detail. (And maybe, discuss it on the  
mailing list.) So far, the conditions we applied are the same as for the  
LOD cloud diagram http://richard.cyganiak.de/2007/10/lod/#how-to-join,  
with the following differences:

- As long as we consider this to be a draft, it is sufficient to provide a  
committment that the data *will* be provided in this form at some  
(unspecified) point in time. As soon as we drop the "draft" attribute, all  
data needs to be actually available, or the bubble will be removed. We can  
discuss about the time when this should happen, but certainly not earlier  
than next year.
- The same is true for links: If someone declares himself responsible for  
creating the links (at some point in time), a link will be drawn.
- We have not yet applied any restrictions on the size and the number of  
links per data set. This might be necessary with increasing growth of the  

Further, on the wiki we describe a process for adding a new bubble:  
http://wiki.okfn.org/Wg/linguistics/llod#How_to_contribute. It would be  
good practice to introduce the new data set and its (prospective)  
availability with a message to th mailing list, also, a website should be  
provided, or a page in our wiki should be cĀ“reated. The bubble then  
contains a hyperlink to this page.

For every new data set, we have to clarify which links with other  
resources can be established. For your data, this is probably already the  
case, because I have a linking between the OLiA reference model and your  
morphosyntactic ontologies. (I guess it hasn't changed too much since  
then, has it ?)


On Sat, 10 Mar 2012 16:01:51 +0100, Antonio Pareja Lora  
<apareja at sip.ucm.es> wrote:

> Dear Christian,
>      I have had a look at the poster. It looks great. However, I would  
> love to see a bubble for the "OntoLingAnnot Model" added to the ones for  
> "annotated corpora, schemes for annotated corpora", and another one for  
> "OntoLingAnnot's ontologies" to the ones for "metadata and terminology  
> repositories, linguistic KBs". If a reference is needed, you could use  
> the one associated to the LDL 2012 workshop ;-).
>      Thanks again for a wonderful workshop and for letting me join this  
> wonderful initiative.
>      Time for me to go to the airport now and fly back to Madrid.
>      Best,
>                      Antonio.
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