[open-literature] Next Open Shakespeare Meetup: 14th Nov 2010 (instead of 7th Nov)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Nov 5 13:18:18 UTC 2010

Hi All,

Unfortunately I've discovered I have to leave Cambridge this Sunday in
the early afternoon.

I therefore propose deferring for a week (so hold Sunday 14th). Hope
this sounds good with everyone (if anyone prefers to keep with this
w/e can still offer Panton Street as a location).

I'm also thinking that we might want to start expanding this meetups
into a general Cambridge 'Open Humanities', or 'Open Knowledge',
meetup. What would people think about this?

Finally, below I've included the actions from the last meeting.



== Actions from Last Meeting

  * RP + NS: getting annotation working!
  * DONE: JHS + RP: Annotation: getting started
  * DONE: JHS: Wordpress: /help page (contents of current guide or
start a fresh?)
  * HG: you might look at the look of site and frontpage
    * Source images:
  * JB: 2x Word of the days
  * JB: talk with colleagues at Christs esp. re shakespeare and art
  * JHS: write a short post giving evidence and source for main moby texts ...

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