[open-literature] Open Literature Bulletin

James Harriman-Smith open-shakespeare at okfn.org
Fri Jul 8 14:59:32 UTC 2011

Dear all,

I changed the title of this bulletin to reflect efforts to increase the
coordination and usage of 'open literature' at the OKF.

Lots of news this week:
- http://openliterature.net/ has launched
- New Words of the Day: alabaster, ebony, and (forthcoming) jump, keep
watching: http://openshakespeare.org/word
- Open Shakespeare was presented at a NESTA event in London:
- New essay on Shakespeare and the City:
- Andrew Murphy has agreed to write a guest blog post about Open
Shakespeare: bio here: http://tinyurl.com/5voq8jx
- A sixth form teacher in Hertfordshire has agreed to trial Open Shakespeare
as a learning tool for students tackling Twelfth Night
- There is now a crowdfunder project for printing an Open Shakespeare
Edition of Hamlet:
- Preliminary interview about annotateit between OKF members and Cambridge
University journalist
- Public domain translations of Hamlet into Finnish, Portuguese, and German
unearthed: will be uploaded soon.

Some things to do:
- Tell me what you think of the new http://openliterature.net/  site (looks,
- Try out the annotator on any website, not just Open Shakespeare: visit
http://annotateit.org/ and click on "Sign up now >>"

Have a great weekend everyone,

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