[Open-science-nl] Negative Results Week

C.H.J. Hartgerink C.H.J.Hartgerink at uvt.nl
Wed Aug 9 09:01:19 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,

EJ, Hans, Rolf, Sanli; I understand what you mean from a scholarly point of view. From a communications point of view, I also understand why "negative" might sound too negative.

But on the other hand, it's about raising awareness, if I understand Rosanne correctly. By showing that many people and institutions consider it bullocks that non-conclusive results aren't published, we might be able to shift the opinion a bit and raise discussion about the topic. If they then start debating about negative v nonconclusive/nonsignificant, great, gives a longer halflife of the campaign. And as Rosanne mentioned, there will be a whole website behind this.

If we are putting the semantic debate to the forefront now, I think we're doing a disservice to Rosanne and this initiative. We could've had this discussion years ago but AFAIK we didn't and I might be wholly oblivious of the debate that has been going on of course. Negative seems to carry across fields because it has some leeway in interpretability. It seems like this is actionable and we need more actionable things to promote good science.

So I'd say "empty-your-file-drawer" week doesn't sound nearly as catchy and suggest to stick with the "maybe-scholarly-not-fully-agreed-upon-but-more-common-and-recognizable-term" negative results.

Oh and find my footage here<https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/ppW2uvAYnzTWQuN>, Rosanne. CC 0 license, so I don't even care if you put it up on a billboard. Just don't send me the bill. :-)


HOn Wed, 2017-08-09 at 08:04 +0000, Faez, S. (Sanli) wrote:
Dear All,

Sorry for replying to all. I suppose open-science enthusiasts in this list are prepared for open discussions and have implemented the necessary filter to keep the sanity of their email inboxes.

IMO, Both points raised by Rolf+Eric-Jan and Hans needs to be clarified before a campaign can be launched that is at least not controversial among the open-science activists.
Regarding the chosen term it might be that the train has left the station already, but it is clear that it is a bit misleading in some communities. For example, in physics all results (that are outcome of the critical scientific method) are valid and dictated by laws of nature, although some might be inconclusive. It is different from complex system studies that one needs a target precision to claim a discovery.

My question to Rosanne is, why didn't you directly and explicitly target the mal-practice of academic publishing in your framing, rather than the obvious outcome of the scientific method (some searches find nothing new, others are inconclusive, and that's how it should be)

Isn't the target of this campaign avoiding research waste because of publishers addiction to news and funders fetish of breakthroughs? in that case, wouldn't "unvalued science", "unsellable results" or "(concieved-as-)unpublishable results" a better term that values the actual effort in presenting solid science according to the scientific method, but blocked to be spread because of publication bias?

Having said that, as this is a very important point of discussion, I would be fully willing to participate with whatever name the campaigners choose.

with best regards

From: Hans IJzerman [h.ijzerman at vu.nl<mailto:h.ijzerman at vu.nl>]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 2:40 AM
To: Rolf Zwaan
Cc: Eric-Jan Wagenmakers; Rosanne Hertzberger; Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen); Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl<mailto:Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl>; Rolf Zwaan; D.Lakens at tue.nl<mailto:D.Lakens at tue.nl>; egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl; c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu<mailto:c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu>; Epskamp, Sacha; M.B. Nuijten; Eerland, A. (Anita); m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl<mailto:m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl>; Caux, Jean-Sébastien; Faez, S. (Sanli); c.j.albers at rug.nl<mailto:c.j.albers at rug.nl>; b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl; simon at simoncolumbus.com<mailto:simon at simoncolumbus.com>; Bekkers, R.H.F.P.; t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl; Dotsch, R. (Ron); Wanders, Florian; J.M. Wicherts; M.A.L.M. van Assen; sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org<mailto:sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org>; Besselaar, P.A.A. van den; open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org<mailto:open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org>; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca); C.H.J. Hartgerink
Subject: Re: Negative Results Week

hi all,

I understand both Rolf and EJ's concern, but can understand the focus even when suboptimal (depending on what audience it is oriented to).

But to voice another concern: Null results/emptied filedrawers don't necessarily equate solid science. They can, but don't have to. Further and even more importantly: What's the target audience? What is the goal of this week? Is it to sway audience, funders, scientists in fields where this discussion is not going on? (and would perhaps not be the most efficient use of time to report on existing efforts re: replications, null results, prereg, OSF stuff?)


Hans IJzerman, Ph. D.| Assistant Professor | VU University, Amsterdam |
Department of Clinical Psychology  | Van der Boechorststraat 1 | 1081 BT |
Amsterdam |The Netherlands  | www.in-mind.org |  Personal Web Page |
P Go Green, Use Your Screen!

New work:
Our chapter on people as penguins.
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Under review: Socially thermoregulated thinking.
Under review: What predicts Stroop performance?
Under review: Our warm faces paper.

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 6:47 PM, Rolf Zwaan <rolfzwaan at gmail.com<mailto:rolfzwaan at gmail.com>> wrote:
I agree with E.J. In addition to the arguments he makes, I'm worried that at a more basic level, people will be associating open science with negative results. I like the idea of "emptying the filedrawer."

2017-08-08 23:40 GMT+02:00 Eric-Jan Wagenmakers <ej.wagenmakers at gmail.com>:
Hi Rosanne and others,

Perhaps I am overly sensitive, but the term "negative result" is more than a little negative. Invariance is a key property of all laws of nature (take your pick), and it can be highly informative to know that something does not change (e.g., the new treatment does not cause more side-effects; increasing the speed limit from 120 to 130 km/hr does not lead to more fatal traffic casualties). I don't see any fundamental difference between a "positive" and a "negative" result -- these provide support for different statistical models, but it depends on the context what result is more informative or useful. I feel that calling them "negative results" is stigmatizing and actually confirms researchers' bias concerning their supposedly limited value. So just by picking that name you risk achieving the exact opposite of what you aim to achieve.

Either "empty-your-file-drawer week" or "present-your-unpublished-work week" target the core problem more clearly. Just some thoughts, I might be completely off.


Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
Department of Psychological Methods, room G 0.29
University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129B
Letter: PO Box 15906, 1001 NK Amsterdam
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Web: ejwagenmakers.com
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Stats: jasp-stats.org
Email: EJ.Wagenmakers at gmail.com<mailto:EJ.Wagenmakers at gmail.com>
Cell: (+31) 6 45626624

“Man follows only phantoms.”
Pierre-Simon Laplace, last words

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 10:11 PM, Rosanne Hertzberger <rosanne.hertzberger at gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

firstly I apologize for using this email-list. I will not send any other emails, but I am looking to reach as many people interested in Open Science and thought with this I might be hitting the bulls eye.

I am a writer at NRC Handelsblad and a microbiologist at the VU, I post my science at www.reblab.org using an Open Kitchen Science approach. I have a question for you:
In order to further promote Open Science I want to organize a "Negative Results Week" or #NegResWeek. A social media campaign in which we try to get as many scientists as possible (from all fields, all countries) to post a Negative Result on an open science platform (BioRxiv, FigShare, Zenodo etc) in a given week. Of course it is a legitimate question what a negative result actually is, and whether it even exists, and these answers are different depending on the field, but to me a negative result is when you conclude "A has nothing to with B", "this protocol does not work", "this theory cannot be proven". Perhaps the most negative side about a negative result is when it remains unpublished. Perfectly sound science going to waste because it is unfortunately not deemed worthy of time/effort/money to publish.

I mentioned this a few times at meetings and luckily several health funds (Reumafonds, Hartstichting, more to come) showed their interest. Like many people, they too want science to become more transparent, more accessible, and more efficient, which is in the interest of the patient and the general public and ultimately also for science itself. They are putting together a small budget to hopefully make this event happen. My job is to estimate how much interest there is from the science community and see if we can get some critical mass to make NegResWeek a success. So my first questions is: would you like to participate in this Negative Results Week? And second: would you be willing to make a short video, just using your smartphone, with your name, institute, field and the words "I am participating in Negative Results Week" with a few remarks explaining why. The goal is to launch the initiative with a website full of researchers who will participate, to entice others to join in as well and get their first taste of Open Science.

I would really appreciate your feedback, your thoughts and hopefully, your footage.

best regards,

Rosanne Hertzberger

2017-04-03 17:19 GMT+02:00 Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen) <j.bosman at uu.nl>:
Please excuse me: the Delft meeting is on Monday the 29th of May….


From: Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen)
Sent: maandag 3 april 2017 17:12
To: 'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl<mailto:'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl>'; 'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl<mailto:'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl>'; 'D.Lakens at tue.nl<mailto:'D.Lakens at tue.nl>'; 'egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl<mailto:'egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl>'; 'c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu'; 's.epskamp at uva.nl<mailto:'s.epskamp at uva.nl>'; M.B. Nuijten; 'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl<mailto:'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl>'; Eerland, A. (Anita); 'm.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl<mailto:'m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl>'; 'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl<mailto:'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl>'; 'J.S.Caux at uva.nl'; Faez, S. (Sanli); 'c.j.albers at rug.nl<mailto:'c.j.albers at rug.nl>'; 'b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl'; 'simon at simoncolumbus.com<mailto:'simon at simoncolumbus.com>'; 'r.bekkers at vu.nl'; 't.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:'t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl>'; Dotsch, R. (Ron); 'F.Wanders at uva.nl<mailto:'F.Wanders at uva.nl>'; J.M. Wicherts; M.A.L.M. van Assen; rosanne.hertzberger at gmail.com<mailto:rosanne.hertzberger at gmail.com>; 'sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org<mailto:'sander.vanderwaal at okfn.org>'; 'p.a.a.vanden.besselaar at vu.nl'
Cc: 'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org<mailto:'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org>'; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca); 'C.H.J. Hartgerink'
Subject: report frrom Open Science meeting in Tilburg 20170331

Dear all,

Just wanted to let you know that the informal Open Science meetup in Tilburg last Friday was a lively, provided useful ideas, exchange of visions, feedback on the National Plan Open Science and more. Read all about it in the report we created in the etherpad:


By the way, on Friday 29th of May there is a larger Open Science meeting in Delft, probably 10AM-4PM. Please save the date. More info will follow soon, via the Open Science NL discussion list (https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-science-nl) and other channels.


  101 innovations in scholarly communications
Jeroen Bosman, scholarly communication specialist,
esp. for geography and geosciences
Utrecht University Library
email: j.bosman at uu.nl<mailto:j.bosman at uu.nl>
telephone: +31. 62 486 5967
mail: Postbus 80124, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
visiting address: room 2.50, Heidelberglaan 3, Utrecht
web: Jeroen Bosman
twitter @jeroenbosman/ @geolibrarianUBU
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Blogging (with others) at: I&M 2.0

From: C.H.J. Hartgerink [mailto:C.H.J.Hartgerink at uvt.nl<mailto:C.H.J.Hartgerink at uvt.nl>]
Sent: maandag 27 februari 2017 12:53
To: Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen); 'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl<mailto:'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl>'; 'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl'; 'D.Lakens at tue.nl<mailto:'D.Lakens at tue.nl>'; 'egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl'; 'c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu<mailto:'c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu>'; 's.epskamp at uva.nl'; M.B. Nuijten; 'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl<mailto:'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl>'; Eerland, A. (Anita); 'm.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl<mailto:'m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl>'; 'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl<mailto:'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl>'; 'J.S.Caux at uva.nl'; Faez, S. (Sanli); 'c.j.albers at rug.nl<mailto:'c.j.albers at rug.nl>'; 'b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl'; 'simon at simoncolumbus.com<mailto:'simon at simoncolumbus.com>'; 'r.bekkers at vu.nl'; 't.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:'t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl>'; Dotsch, R. (Ron); 'F.Wanders at uva.nl<mailto:'F.Wanders at uva.nl>'; J.M. Wicherts; M.A.L.M. van Assen
Cc: 'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org<mailto:'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org>'; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca)
Subject: Invitation for (informal) open science meetup

Dear all,

Following our previous emails on Open Science and your enthusiasm for an informal meeting for researchers that are currently actively involved in Open Science, we have now planned a date and time for such a meeting:

Friday March 31, 14:00-17:00 Cobbenhagengebouw, location C 186 Ruth First room, Tilburg University

During this meeting, we want to provide the opportunity to share your personal experiences, ideas and concrete initiatives around various aspects of Open Science, including (but certainly not limited to) preregistration, data/code sharing & re-use, preprints, reproducibility, open peer review models, societal outreach and assessment alternatives.

Furthermore, we hope to discuss existing barriers and obstacles to a more widespread adoption of Open Science among researchers, and various steps that could be taken (either top-down or bottom-up) to help overcome these.

Finally, we want to compare your ideas and action points for next steps to the goals and ambitions stated in the National Plan Open Science (signed by VSNU, KNAW, NWO, among other parties) and beyond. We can  see how these ideas and action points align or complement each other, and what your advice to NPOS would be in how to reach out to researchers in general.

If there are any other points you feel are important to discuss at this meeting, please let us know. The programme is flexible, everybody gets the chance to take the floor, and we foremost want the meeting to be useful for you. Needless to say, please bring your devices if you wish to show or demonstrate something.

We hope to see many of you in Tilburg on March 31. Please confirm your participation by replying to this email, so we can plan some coffee, tea, and snacks. If you know of any other Open Science enthusiasts who might be interested to attend, we encourage you to send on this invitation. The maximal number of people we can accommodate is 30.

Kind regards,
Chris Hartgerink
Jeroen Bosman
Bianca Kramer

From: Bosman, J.M. (Jeroen) [j.bosman at uu.nl<mailto:j.bosman at uu.nl>]
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 1:05 PM
To: 'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl<mailto:'Amie.Fairs at mpi.nl>'; 'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl<mailto:'zwaan at fsw.eur.nl>'; 'D.Lakens at tue.nl<mailto:'D.Lakens at tue.nl>'; 'egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl<mailto:'egon.willighagen at maastrichtuniversity.nl>'; 'c.h.j.hartgerink at tilburguniversity.edu'; 's.epskamp at uva.nl<mailto:'s.epskamp at uva.nl>'; M.B. Nuijten; 'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl<mailto:'E.M.Wagenmakers at uva.nl>'; Eerland, A. (Anita); 'm.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl<mailto:'m.j.m.bonten at umcutrecht.nl>'; 'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl<mailto:'h.ijzerman- at vu.nl>'; 'J.S.Caux at uva.nl'; Faez, S. (Sanli); 'c.j.albers at rug.nl<mailto:'c.j.albers at rug.nl>'; 'b.zandbelt at donders.ru.nl'; 'simon at simoncolumbus.com<mailto:'simon at simoncolumbus.com>'; 'r.bekkers at vu.nl'; 't.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:'t.van.der.zee at iclon.leidenuniv.nl>'; Dotsch, R. (Ron); 'F.Wanders at uva.nl<mailto:'F.Wanders at uva.nl>'
Cc: 'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org<mailto:'open-science-nl at lists.okfn.org>'; Kramer, B.M.R. (Bianca)
Subject: Open Science and the National Plan OS

Dear all,

Thank you for the many encouraging replies we received to our message on Open Science and the National Plan Open Science signing and presentation later today. Most of you support a meeting in the near future of researchers that are engaged in Open Science.

We hope to have a chance to talk with those of you who are able to make it to the signing ceremony today, and will contact all of you to discuss timing and programme of a meeting. And of course we very much welcome anyone willing to help in arranging the meeting.

We will also talk to NPOS platform people to see what they are up to and align (but not slow down) actions.

Kind regards, looking forward to meet you,

Bianca Kramer (@MsPhelps) & Jeroen Bosman (@jeroenbosman)
both at Utrecht University Library

  101 innovations in scholarly communication
Jeroen Bosman, faculty liaison for the Faculty of Geosciences
Utrecht University Library
email: j.bosman at uu.nl<mailto:j.bosman at uu.nl>
telephone: +31.6.24865967
mail: Postbus 80124, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
visiting address: room 2.50, Heidelberglaan 3, Utrecht
web: Jeroen Bosman
twitter @jeroenbosman / @geolibrarianUBU
profiles: : Academia / Google Scholar / ISNI /
Mendeley / MicrosoftAcademic / ORCID / ResearcherID /
ResearchGate / Scopus /  Slideshare /  VIAF /  Worldcat
blogging at: I&M 2.0 (with others)

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