[open-science] Science WG 8/4 Meeting Summary

Greg Grossmeier greg at grossmeier.net
Thu Aug 5 00:56:01 UTC 2010

Hello Group!

Thanks again for taking the fire alarm fiasco in stride!

Since this pad became quite large, I'm not going to copy much of it here. 
If you want to see the entire document, please go to: 

  * Brian Glanz
  * Claudia Koltzenburg
  * Daniel Mietchen
  * Jonathan Gray
  * Iain Hrynaszkiewicz
  * Mike Chelen
  * Greg Grossmeier
  * Peter Murray-Rust
  * Jean-Claude Bradley (initially) -- skype mike was out of work

Action items I collected from the meeting (please reply and append any 
that I missed:

 * Claudia gets into touch with Ada Yonath http://ff.im/nWEk8 to find out 
   if she will be in Cambridge anytime soon for a Panton Discussion.

 * Rufus to produce the SVG of two versions of the Panton Principles 

 * Panton translations:
   * Make separate page per language
   * Add the ISO codes
   * Announce the translations, do a translation drive
   * For more: http://www.science3point0.com/wiki/panton-principles/

 * ClaudiaK will contact Ada Yonath about PP

 * Rufus: Section/page on PP for Institutional supporters esp. 
   journals/organizations that have signed up

 * Produce a PP poster / 1 pager for faculty noticeboards/

 * Iaian will produce PP banner spec

 * Greg will create a simple set of slides giving an introduction (links 
   to faqs if needed)

 * Panton Papers:
   * We decided to show our intention to help write certain papers. Here 
     is the current set of topics and people who have signed up:
     * What is Open Data? - Mike, Peter, and Claudia
     * Data Ownership. - Greg, Claudia
     * Data Mining. - Peter
     * Reproducibility. - Daniel, and asking Victoria
     * Funder Requirements. - Daniel
     * Why Share Data? - Iain, Mike, Daniel
     * Best Practices. - Mike, Claudia
     * Subject/Institutional Repositories. - Claudia
   * These topics are orphans are waiting to be adopted:
     * When should I share my data?
     * How does data sharing change data collection?

 * CKAN and DataPKG
   * Volunteer as an editor/data package maintainer!
   * Rufus will contact Data Dryad
   * Claudia made it clear that Cellular Therapy and Transplantation will 
     accept data as both supplamental and possibly primary publications. 
     With offer to work closely with CKAN on the creation of this 

 * flowerpoint (Fabiana Kubke)

|       Greg Grossmeier |
| http://grossmeier.net |

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