[open-science] Science WG 8/4 Meeting Summary

Jean-Claude Bradley jeanclaude.bradley at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 01:23:55 UTC 2010

sorry I had some trouble with my connection - I'll have it fixed for next

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Greg Grossmeier <greg at grossmeier.net> wrote:

> Hello Group!
> Thanks again for taking the fire alarm fiasco in stride!
> Since this pad became quite large, I'm not going to copy much of it here.
> If you want to see the entire document, please go to:
> http://okfnpad.org/science-20100804
> Present:
>  * Brian Glanz
>  * Claudia Koltzenburg
>  * Daniel Mietchen
>  * Jonathan Gray
>  * Iain Hrynaszkiewicz
>  * Mike Chelen
>  * Greg Grossmeier
>  * Peter Murray-Rust
>  * Jean-Claude Bradley (initially) -- skype mike was out of work
> Action items I collected from the meeting (please reply and append any
> that I missed:
>  * Claudia gets into touch with Ada Yonath http://ff.im/nWEk8 to find out
>   if she will be in Cambridge anytime soon for a Panton Discussion.
>  * Rufus to produce the SVG of two versions of the Panton Principles
>   buttons.
>  * Panton translations:
>   * Make separate page per language
>   * Add the ISO codes
>   * Announce the translations, do a translation drive
>   * For more: http://www.science3point0.com/wiki/panton-principles/
>  * ClaudiaK will contact Ada Yonath about PP
>  * Rufus: Section/page on PP for Institutional supporters esp.
>   journals/organizations that have signed up
>  * Produce a PP poster / 1 pager for faculty noticeboards/
>  * Iaian will produce PP banner spec
>  * Greg will create a simple set of slides giving an introduction (links
>   to faqs if needed)
>  * Panton Papers:
>   * We decided to show our intention to help write certain papers. Here
>     is the current set of topics and people who have signed up:
>     * What is Open Data? - Mike, Peter, and Claudia
>     * Data Ownership. - Greg, Claudia
>     * Data Mining. - Peter
>     * Reproducibility. - Daniel, and asking Victoria
>     * Funder Requirements. - Daniel
>     * Why Share Data? - Iain, Mike, Daniel
>     * Best Practices. - Mike, Claudia
>     * Subject/Institutional Repositories. - Claudia
>   * These topics are orphans are waiting to be adopted:
>     * When should I share my data?
>     * How does data sharing change data collection?
>  * CKAN and DataPKG
>   * Volunteer as an editor/data package maintainer!
>   * Rufus will contact Data Dryad
>   * Claudia made it clear that Cellular Therapy and Transplantation will
>     accept data as both supplamental and possibly primary publications.
>     With offer to work closely with CKAN on the creation of this
>     process.
>  * flowerpoint (Fabiana Kubke)
> --
> |       Greg Grossmeier |
> | http://grossmeier.net |
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Jean-Claude Bradley, Ph. D.
E-Learning Coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Drexel University

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