[open-science] RE How CC-BY can become TA

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Dec 15 13:21:25 UTC 2011

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Donat Agosti <agosti at amnh.org> wrote:

> Here a reply from Stevan Harnard, the GreenOA guru to the question whether
> index of GreenOA exists or not, which might be a little contribution to the
> debate.****
> Donat****
> ** **
> …………….****
> Dear Peter and Stevan****
>  ****
> “I would feel more strongly about supporting GreenOA if we actually built
> an index of it”****
>  ****
> I always thought that this is or is happening within these two****
> The two leading lists of OA repositories around the world are the Directory
> of Open Access Repositories <http://www.opendoar.org/> (OpenDOAR) and the Registry
> of Open Access Repositories <http://roar.eprints.org/> (ROAR).****
>  ****
> Or does this index really not exist – this then would be the same problem
> we face in taxonomy, where have no clue what we published since 1758 the
> start date of zoological taxonomic literature that we need to consult to
> make sure our names are correct.****
> ** **
> Dear Donat,****
> ** **
> Yes, ROAR and OpenDOAR are indexing Green OA in that they track the
> repositories as well as their content (though the content cannot yet be
> sorted reliably by full-text/metadata-only, and
> peer-reviewed/non-peer-reviewed, but only by indirect indicators such as
> document-type and size).

I looked today and ROAR is only an index of repository type (i.e. you
cannot search for content). DOARhas been broken for 3 days according to its
website. It only appears to be searchable on simple strings (not metadata).

At present only a very small (<5% of the scientific literature is
self-archived in IRs). Unless people are actually able to use them to get
stuff out they aren't going to be keen to put stuff in voluntary. I know,
it happened to me.

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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