[open-science] Ideas...Call for proposals for the Euroscience Open Forum 2012.

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Jun 22 00:25:41 UTC 2011

This sounds like a *great* idea and definitely worth doing!

All: what do you think?


On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 7:55 PM, maria <adresamariei at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I stumbled upon a Call for Proposals from ESOF 2012 (Euroscience Open
> Forum), starring Dublin as the European Capital of Science for 11-15 July
> 2012- http://www.dublinscience2012.ie/
> There are two openings for projects, both having the deadline on the 30 of
> June:
> 1. The Scientific Session Proposals - mainly as
> workshops/presentations/roundtable/conference/Pecha Kucha
> 2. The Public Engagement Proposal  -  mainly as an activity, creative
> idea, theatre, film, Interactive Dialogue, Exhibition,  Workshop,  Outdoor
> Event,  Debate and so on.
> Do you think our working group can develop one (or more) project proposals
> on Open Data in Science/Panton Principles? I would be a great opportunity to
> attend ESOF next year and I would like to invite you for an online
> brainstorm in the next days. Hopefully, in the best case scenario, by the
> end of the week we can choose the best ideas, refine them and prepare the
> proposal for the 30 of June.
> What do you think? Let's plan something!
> Best,
> Maria
> PS: You can find below some extra info from the official press release:
> "Dublin City of Science 2012 comprises a year-long series of science-linked
> events,
> the centre-piece of which will be the Euroscience Open Form (ESOF), which
> will be
> held in the Convention Centre Dublin from 11-15 July 2012.
> ESOF is an interdisciplinary, pan-European meeting, held under the auspices
> of
> Euroscience, which aims to:
> Showcase the latest advances in science and technology.
> Promote a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and
> public policy.
> Stimulate and provoke public interest, excitement and debate about science
> and technology.
> The event will bring together over 5,000 scientists, business leaders,
> government
> officials and international media to discuss the best of European science
> and to
> address all of the major global challenges, including Energy, Climate
> Change, Food
> and Health.
> Dublin was awarded the honour of hosting this event following an open
> competition in
> 2008. The Dublin bid was led by the Chief Scientific Adviser to the
> Government, Prof
> Cunningham, with the support of Forfás and beat off stiff competition from
> Vienna.
> Prof Cunningham and Forfás are now responsible for planning and organisation
> of
> ESOF. In addition, they will coordinate other activities and events in the
> Dublin City of
> Science 2012 programme."
> Maria
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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