[open-science] Can you help improving the evidence base on open science?

Paweł Szczęsny ps at pawelszczesny.org
Fri Jul 6 16:31:33 UTC 2012

Dear David,

Open Science is an umbrella term for various "open" activities,
including, but not limited to, open access, open source, open data,
etc. Despite the fact, that certain phrases are new, ideas behind open
science have a rather long history, especially in some fields (first
"Open Source Science" _conference_ was in late 90s).

There's an enormous amount of evidence, as long as you don't try to
think about every field having the same cultural background. For
example, the whole LHC is a result of "open science" put in practice
(Arxiv, open source grid software, immediate data availability). BTW,
you miss high-energy physics (and lots of activities by CERN) in your

The general comment I have is that you seem to focus on the very
recent examples of "2.0", creating an impression that it is a brand
new phenomenon. It isn't - it's just unevenly distributed. I think
this changes the perspective in presentation (from IF, to HOW).

I will make specific comments in GDocs.

Best wishes

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 6:00 PM, david osimo <david.osimo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We're doing a study for the European Commission on Science 2.0 (not exactly
> Open Science but let's put it aside).
> We've been using this list as a source of inspiration and evidence. We've
> been sharing our working notes on our blog:
> http://science20study.wordpress.com/
> Now, we really need your help. We need to gather the BEST POSSIBLE EVIDENCE
> showing the Open Science is not a fad, that it's a long term change in the
> scientific process, and that European science institutions should take this
> into account.
> As you know policy-makers want DATA: statistics, numbers, histograms...
> (even if not robust). Can you help us gathering more and better data?
> We published the final presentation in commentable format: we ask you to
> share the evidence you have by adding comments to the slides. We have until
> JULY 24TH to gather it.
> Link:
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NF1pSfVYIZywmkDvTqwyoH8KlqO3F6zD0pnQI6TdpOk/edit#slide=id.p22
> Thanks!
> david
> david.osimo at gmail.com
> skype, twitter: osimod
> http://egov20.wordpress.com
> mobile: +32-498088323
> -> based in Hub Brussels - most inspirational place to work
> (www.the-hub.be)
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