[open-science] Fwd: Licences for Europe - Next Meeting of WG4 and other info

Peter Murray-Rust pm286 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Feb 13 13:17:45 UTC 2013

I've forwarded this to lists. I am on the EU list. Ross Mounce attended in
stead of me on Feb4. I am away on the March date. These meetings are very
important I think, though perhaps Jonathan and Ross could advise. It looks
a lot of commitment.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <EC-L4E-WG4 at ec.europa.eu>
Date: Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 12:26 PM
Subject: Licences for Europe - Next Meeting of WG4 and other info
To: abergman at fep-fee.eu, Alistair.tebbit at reedelsevier.com,
angela.mills-wade at epceurope.eu, Audrey.GOOSEN at ec.europa.eu, ben.white at bl.uk,
bking at newscorp.com, brendan.peter at ca.com, brian.hole at ubiquitypress.com,
crmarques at visapress.pt, Celina.RAMJOUE at ec.europa.eu, dfares at newscorp.com,
david at davidhammerstein.org, choukri at elra.org, tlemoine at policyaction.com,
smit at stm-assoc.org, secretariat at euroispa.org, francine.cunningham at enpa.be,
secretariat at gesac.org, hrymar at centrumcyfrowe.pl, secretariat at iffro.org,
jwaterworth at ccianet.org, jim.rusagara at magazinemedia.eu, joe.mcnamee at edri.org,
John.McNaught at manchester.ac.uk, jonathan.gray at okfn.org,
Kalliopi.Spyridaki at sas.com, klasota at mih.com,
kate.foster at europe-analytica.com, mael at openforumeurope.org,
mlange at microsoft.com, Max.Abendroth at magazinemedia.eu, natalia at di.uoa.gr,
patrick.lacroix at mediargus.be, pmonteiro at visao.impresa.pt,
rainer.kuhlen at uni-konstanz.de, RMollet at publishers.org.uk, pm286 at cam.ac.uk,
sfaulder at pls.org.uk, s.chastanet at cfcopies.com, sara.kelly at coadec.com,
susan.reilly at kb.nl, tobiasmckenney at google.com, vincent.bonnet at eblida.org,
mossink at surf.nl, wim.vanderstelt at springer.com
Cc: Sergej.KOPERDAK at ec.europa.eu, Marco.GIORELLO at ec.europa.eu,
Jenny.ROMELSJO at ec.europa.eu, Philipp.RUNGE at ext.ec.europa.eu,
Elisaveta.ALEXANDROVA at ec.europa.eu, Helen.DOLBY at ec.europa.eu

 Dear Members of Working Group 4,****

** **

** **

*Further to the e-mail sent yesterday, please also find attached the
presentation delivered on 04/02/2013 by the EC and the e-mail for further
communication: *EC-L4E-WG4 at ec.europa.eu**

** **

Thank you for your participation in the first Working Group session on
Monday 4 February.****

** **

As agreed, you will find attached:****

** **

- Chairs' conclusions****

- List of participants to the first Working Group session****

- Presentation delivered on 04/02/2013 by the EC.****

** **

We would like to confirm that the next meeting will be held from
14.00-18.00 on Friday 8 March in the Centre Borschette 1D (more details
closer to the meeting).****

** **

The preliminary schedule for following meetings is:****

** **

Tuesday 16/04 (10:00-16:30) – Centre Borschette 1A ****

Wednesday 29/05 (10:00-16:30) – DG CNECT room 0/S 1 ****

Wednesday 26/06 (10:00-16:30) – DG MARKT ROOM SPA2 00/A001 THIERRY STOLL ***

** **

** **

We would also invite you to create your account on the "Licences for
Europe" website. Please note that the registration form enables you to
describe briefly your organisation (in the "Organisation Profile" box) and
to indicate the Group of which you are a member. For the time being,
creating your account will enable you to post any comments you wish to make
publicly relating to the work of the Group, or indeed any materials you
want to post. We are separately working to create a closed space to
facilitate Working Groups' internal communication.****

** **

http://ec.europa.eu/licences-for-europe-dialogue ****


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The Licences for Europe Team****

** **

** **

** **

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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