[open-science] Fwd: Call for OpenCourseWare to be published at SlideWiki.org

Piotr Migdal pmigdal at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 15:15:29 UTC 2013

Hi Sören,
(and others)

it looks very promising!

(Though support for git (to edit things locally, in one's favourite browser) would be great. As well as for LaTeX (beamer)-based presentations... or even... Markdown (see http://jeromyanglim.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/beamer-pandoc-markdown.html). Also, Keynote and Open Office are popular...)

I had a similar idea and even mailed guys from https://speakerdeck.com (since it is GitHub-affiliated) whether they want/plan to make a GitHub-like approach to source of presentations and invitation for sharing. (The response was enthusiastic... but the feature is still not there.)

When it comes to licensing, I'm more into CC BY since it is really free (well, only more free is public domain or CC0). And, perhaps, I'm not the only one.

Side note: when it comes to licensing, can anyone point to a good layman introduction what is considered a derivate work?
In particular, when when I use (say) one slide with CC BY SA in a collection of 50 slides, does one need to license this particular slide with CC BY SA (with all modifications) or the whole presentation?

Piotr Migdal

On 24 Feb 2013, at 13:46, Yishay Mor <yishaym at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Sören,
> I have tried slidewiki, and found it a very interesting and promising tools. However, I have a few comments:
> - navigating content could be improved. I want to see (and share with others) a list of my presentations, or create a subject list -  not clear how to do that.
> - licence is too restrictive. I'm afraid I can't offer all my content under a CC BY SA licence. Some of it is subject to employer's restrictions, some already public under a different licence. I hope you will allow authors a choice of licences.
> best,
> Yishay
> ____________________
> Dr. Yishay Mor
> Senior Lecturer, Educational Technology
> http://iet.open.ac.uk/people/yishay.mor
> +44 1908 6 59373
> On 24 February 2013 10:33, Sören Auer <auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> SlideWiki.org is a non-profit, crowd-sourcing OpenCourseWare authoring
> platform: http://SlideWiki.org
> SlideWiki allows to create richly structured courseware presentations
> comprising slides, self-test questionnaires, illustrations etc.
> Slidewiki is for courseware what MediaWiki is for Wiki texts,
> OpenStreetmaps for spatial data or GitHub for source code. With
> SlideWiki, we hope to make educational material much more interactive,
> multilingual and accessible.
> We are now looking for additional lecture notes (i.e. slide series) for
> publication on SlideWiki. We will support the import and enrichment of
> the courseware in SlideWiki. Original authors will be attributed
> prominently. A requirement is licensing of the content under CC-BY-SA.
> We translate all SlideWiki lectures in many other languages, add
> self-assessment tests, mobile learning facilities and many other
> features. All SlideWiki features are documented here:
> http://slidewiki.org/documentation/
> Benefits for authors include:
> * significantly increase your reach by making your courseware accessible
> to a world-wide audience
> * get your courseware translated into many different languages
> * engage students in contributing to and discussing the course
> * easily create (self-)assessment tests for students
> * involve peer-educators in improving and maintaining the quality and
> attractiveness of your courseware
> * increase your reputation in the community, by sharing qualitative
> educational content
> Some existing example lectures include:
> * Intelligent Systems: http://slidewiki.org/deck/1002/latest
> * Semantic Web: http://slidewiki.org/deck/750/latest
> * Semantic Web Services: http://slidewiki.org/deck/964/latest
> * Information Retrieval: http://slidewiki.org/deck/345/latest
> * Informationssysteme (German): http://slidewiki.org/deck/365/latest
> Please send applications for publishing your lecture notes on SlideWiki
> by email to auer at uni-leipzig.de till March 10 including the following
> information:
> * original authors (including email, address and affiliation)
> * original format (pptx/ODP preferred)
> * original language (English is preferred)
> * volume (number of presentations and slides)
> * licensing (must be compatible with CC-BY-SA)
> * link to the material
> Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any further suggestions
> and pointers to OpenCourseWare on the Web.
> On behalf of the SlideWiki team,
> Sören
> http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~auer/
> ---------------------------
> SlideWiki features include:
> * WYSIWYG slide authoring
> * Logical slide and deck representation
> * LaTeX/MathML integration
> * Multilingual decks / semi-automatic translation in 50+ languages
> * PowerPoint/HTML import
> * Source code highlighting within slides
> * Dynamic CSS themability and transitions
> * Social networking activities
> * Full revisioning and branching of slides and decks
> * E-Learning with self-assessment questionnaires
> * Source, citation and attribution tracking
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