[open-science] A new member in the list

Dimitar Poposki poposkidimitar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 14:05:07 UTC 2013

Dear all,

Just to briefly introduce myself - Dimitar Poposki aka @poposkidimitar
#OpenAccessMKD #OER_MKD on Twitter or just go to

US Department of State Alumni in 2004/2005 - Rutgers - visiting scholar
exploring the topics of digital libraries. Lived in USA for 1 year, 1 month
in France, Austria, Germany...Traveled all of SEEurope mainly by bus...
Mendeley and Figshare advisor for Macedonia...12 years of experience in
academic libraries and digitization (A-Z).

Currently I am writing my doctoral dissertation that deals with Open Access
and Open Educational Resources and it's implementation into the higher
education in Republic of Macedonia. Searching for a PhD research grant for
open policies for last 2 years - no success so far. My topics of interest
also include open data, open access scientific publishing, e-journals,
scientific repositories and digitization of intangible cultural heritage.
Attached is my Resume and CV that I did just recently emphasizing
professional interests.

The main reason for joining the list is the frustration that I deal with as
a PhD researcher from Macedonia and the non-existing access to resources
(basically, EBSCO is the ONLY database that I have access 2). I have
organized OA week events in my country since 2010 and speak about open
data/open science promoting the importance of FOSS(More info on
http://www.netvibes.com/poposkidimitar#Open_Access_Advocacy including
posters and livestream from the events ). The situation is bad, but I'm not
giving up...I needed 2 years to convince the academia to use OJS platform
and now I'm trying to teach them what is (not how to use, but explain the
basics of) Creative Commons...

How can I help? Social networking, strong information management skills,
advocacy for open data and strong motivation to get a new job that will
promote openness of academic resources. Different viewpoint on information
infrastructure, information management - organizational skills, design
skills, conference organization...I have done a lot of things - usually on
a personal basis with tight deadlines and immense pressure (do not
recommend the higher education surrounding in Macedonia as a place to work
to anyone)

I am more than aware that people from developing countries don't get a lot
of attention from the international community and are being often
marginalized. Still, I can reassure you that we do not have a choice when
it comes to open data-we simply see it as the only way to get our part of
the cake of the dark web...
*Really happy to be a part of the open science list...a community that is
changing the model of publishing and access to resources...Add me on Skype,
my spoken English (never had a single English language class in my life) is
better than the written one :) *

*Have a great weekend - I will be starting mine as soon as I send this
e-mail :)*

Kind regards,*

Poposki Dimitar*

PhD candidate at* *the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Information and Communication Science
University of Zagreb, Croatia *

IPhone: *+389 71 500059       *Work:* +389 2 3240-492

Looking for a new exciting job in information management-Contact me for job
offers and project possibilities!*

*Skype:* dimitar.poposki             *

*Mailing address: *
Faculty of Philology “Blazhe Koneski”
Bul. Goce Delchev 9A 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
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